Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today I Claim my Divine Inheritance

I Claim my Divine Inheritance
The riches, power, glory, and might of the Kingdom of God are mine today. I recognize that all people belong to this Kingdom. We all can claim riches, power, joy, and abundance.
The eternal now is forever filled with the presence of perfect life. I am a complete and perfect expression of the Eternal Mind, which is the Divine, the living Spirit Almighty.
Knowing that all experience is a play upon Life Itself, the blossoming of love into self-expression, the coming forth of good into the joy of its own being, I enter into the game of living with joyful anticipation, with enthusiasm. Today I enter into my Divine Inheritance, shaking my thought clear from the belief that external conditions are imposed upon me. I declare the freedom of my Divine nature.

paraphrased from Ernest Holmes A YEAR OF DAILY WISDOM - Aug. 19th

Thanks for your insight Ron. I love, love, love the quote! It is all just that simple. I find that so many times we put people up on pedestals and really we are all equal - we all know the answers to the questions we seek, if only we would quiet our minds, open our hearts and listen. Since we actually are all one, that simple action of connecting with ourselves in truth is how we connect to All. ( not just us humans, but also the animals, plants, air, earth - EVERYTHING!) Wooooo how exciting is that! Thank you Ron for being such a divine instrument of the Oneness Blessing. Namaste'

Ron Alexander Here’s an affirmation to help you:
Laurie sent me this affirmation from "Stewart's Bliss Blog"
I am an extension of Source energy.
Source energy IS my source.
It is the Source of all life.
...Source is ABUNDANT.
Therefore, I AM abundant.
There can be NO LACK for LACK cannot be manifest.
Nothing cannot become something.
Darkness is the absence of light.
I choose now to tune myself to the frequency of ABUNDANCE
And I now see that Abundance is everywhere
It has become visible to me
And was always there
And Is Always There
I Feel Abundant!


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