Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love is Healing With Its Free Will

Rita : Love is healing with its free will.
Sonya: Absolutely Rita! Love is everything that free will indicates and implies! Acceptance, tolerance and inclusion in EVERY case.
Enjoy a fantastic day! Many blessings of grace and love to all.

Bobbi Newman: This is such a beautiful picture.. Accceptance, tolerance and inclusion are words of love and healing. Namaste'
Rick मेत्ता: "Love is healing with its free will. " - Rita Hawi
This is truly something to ponder, my friends...a beautiful tread within the grand tapestry of Love. truly love is to release all fears. To release fear is to heal on t...he deepest levels of this human is to know our innate freedom...unbound and totally free to more fully express be the truest expressions of Love possible in our current state, which by the very nature of Creation Herself is ever deepening and expanding...exponentially. ~♥~ नमस्ते ~♥~ Brian:
Thanks Laurie & all for sharing this wave of spiritual connection. It is always so uplifting to find others who you know share the same heart of love. Confirmation we are not alone in this!
And indeed we are not. Always remember, the Beings of Light, ie the Ascended Masters, are there, you can call on Them any time. Just this morning I felt such wonderful energy, well beyond what I could've mustered myself, as it healed me & guided me to higher awareness.
Peace everyone! .
Rita Hawi: Do our hearts give love
Those suffering
Do our hearts open the door
For those needing
Do our heart defend those
Who need our support

If we all could be small
candle lights
If we all could have little compassion
And love without any fights
If we all could live
Without any greed

We all will live
In harmony and peace
Here and now
In the Garden of Eden
Ron Alexander: Thanks again Rita & thanks Brian, I am still recording..."Love never fails." ron

God=Love. A "belief" in God is a perception and could be nothing but a form of indoctrination--of the mind. The experience of God is LOVE, as LOVE. ~~ 1 John 4:7-8:~~"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever l...oves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

(reposted from Unity Walker on Facebook)
XSheela Coenegracht:Don't believe in God, better say in any kind of religion, only in LOVE...
Let's open our hearts and be united thru the quantum field...
♥ ♥ ♥ to all from Belgium-:) .
Maria Fernandez:thanks so much for adding me to your unconditional love..blessings..!!!!!! . Sonya Griffis: I agree with Sheela. Even though all organized religions profess many virtues including that of love, it is best to hold close what we know as fact; the quantum field and the effects of Love. And in that way, no one is excluded, but rather all are embraced as One. Yes? : )In light - in love. Namaste' .
Rick मेत्ता: Yes, Sheela and Sonya...there are many ways by which humans view God-dess, but the quantum field and the effects of Love as manifest within this observable sphere of reality are, though fluid in nature, quite plain to all with eyes opened. In Light and Love... ~ ♥ नमस्ते ♥ ~ .
Rick मेत्ता Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ~ ♥ l_ღ√Ƹ ♥ ~ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ~
Ziggy Marley Video: Love is My Religion
TRita Hawi:It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong.
Everybody can have his/her own truth
Love can be also smooth!
Sonya Griffis: Too many words - Never too much love...
The only true and lasting path to peace lies in one's ability to release the need to defend one's point of view as well as releasing the need to be right. Without peace there is no love, nor any other of a multitude of virtues that are necessary in life. With that said, what works for one may not work for another - and that is the way it should be. And in my opinion, proselytizing is much like assuming; it is always a bad exercise. he video for Ziggy's song, "Love is My R
Ron Alexander: Simply "Love is all we came here for." Elton John
"I had rather be happy than right."
I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you! .
XLaurie Marinelli:Thank you always have a poetic way with your messages....Can you tell me though, does grace supercede Karma? are apologies ever necessary? .
Sonya Griffis: Laurie... the other is only there as a mirror. It is a path that will you will perceive as only another's, but that is false. Their issues become your issues. They are your mirror. People are placed into your path that will challenge you to keep your heart open throughout your life, so that you may learn virtues. How else would one grow? It is necessary and it is good. Try to view it as the true opportunity for growth that it is.

One does not need to apologize for they have their own path. That does not in any way mean you must associate with them continually. What is does mean is that you must forgive completely. You are not hurting/punishing or teaching them by closing your heart luv. That only holds you back from your full potential.

The only virtue more important than grace is humility. Humility does not mean to downplay your talents or make yourself less important than another. What it means is to not think of yourself at all. Without humility as the essential root of all other virtues one cannot know true love, forgiveness, compassion, etc.

Lastly, if you allow another to cause reactions in you, you become their puppet and they therefore control you rather than you learning control and embracing the lines above.

I hope this gives you food for thought.
Many blessings of grace and love are already on their way to you.

Thanks Sonya. It is so good to be back into "KISS" (keep it simple Source or sweetheart). "We are created to love, and be loved." Mother Teresa & One Love includes All, ronstrong> .
Brian Tate: We have all made what we consider mistakes. It is natural, inevitable; a part of our growth. Therefore they are entirely forgivable.
And how good it feels, to heal ourselves of any regrets or self-judgements. Which can be done by acknowledging this, and by looking upon yourself as an outside observer would, and accepting there is no need for this person (you) to be continually blamed.
Any bringing of blame further into the present becomes needless, and freedom of peaceful acceptance of self follows. : ) .

Ron Alexander: And loving has to start with ourselves. How much loving kindness can you give yourself? how gentle can you be with yourself? Unconditional love starts within and overflows to All.

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