Monday, August 16, 2010

Laughing Buddha(s) 2

Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda: Mereana Taki: If you are confused in your thinking ...drop out of your Mind (literally) and down into your Heart ...and then 'think' from there.Silence is not the absence of anything is the presence sacred and intentional of everythin...g. ♥

"Listen: this world is the lunatic's sphere, don't always agree it's real. Even with my feet upon it and the postman knowing my door - my address is somewhere else." ~ Hafiz♥ Pure Joy, Pure Aloha ♥
We are total objective absence, which is the presence of that-I-amness, which is what-I-amness, which is this-I-amness.
Ramesh Balsekar

Instead of reading the Avadhuta Gita only, Mooji starts with an unusually detailed commentary on its verses: You are the one Purity, you are not the mind, not the body... but the conscious presence, 'I AM' has become distorted through identification with the body and mind phenomena. A questioner relates his path of 'issues and tissues' until Mooji interrupts and sent all of it into 'the land of was'. Even if we don't feel bliss, we are still the choiceless self... we don't need any 'Buddha Certificate'. Even if we see the world as a movie, there is still a subtle form of 'me'-self. What is aware of it? Another questioner triggers uproars of laughter in the room, as his question crumbles each time he attempts to present it as, "The question was..." After the laughter settles, Mooji emphasises: "The question WAS!"

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