Sunday, August 8, 2010

KISS (keep it simple Source) - SACRED SIMPLICITY

Love is right here, right now in my heart. It is the "Fuel" for Oneness Blessings. for ALL Blessings, for Healing, for All Healings.

"Come as a child again, to enter the gates of Heaven."

"A great person never ignores the simplicity of a child." Chinese Fortune Cookie from today's lunch. Afterwards, I helped remove alot of the food by going Zumba dancing at the Unity Church - luv that Latin music!
Doug Bentley, Cosmic Comic, Oneness Guide from India Reveals the Doer

Clarity in Clearwater (With Simplicity)

As long as we feel we are the 'doer', we will feel separate from the Divine.

Doug has the paradoxical qualities of being deep and light, Holy & hilariously humble at same time. He has inspired me, and most likely I am going to India for the Training and a new 28 day "Deepening Process."
With over 100 people attending. Doug shined forth with simple wisdom, delightful humor, and an apparent innocence that had us at the edge of our seats creating a sort of time-less ambience that we did not want to end.
"Simple Wisdom?" Doug talked about three ways of awakening, and how we Westerners are usually on the Intellectual "book after book & workshop after workshop" process which can work but slowly. Then he spoke of a path of seva (service) which is wonderful and faster. However, Doug considers Bhakthi - the path of passionate devotion to God, as the one preferred in India, and may be the fastest. He joked of a direct Divine connection comparing turtle mail to email then DSL, Cable and now the ultimate "fiberoptic".

"As long as we feel like the 'doer', we will feel separate from the Divine. He spoke of new fully surrendered people rolling on the ground with belly laughs with the realization: "I am God" after all else is stripped away."Remember Bhakthi is not a craving but a passion. You have to really want it. Command it and it will happen. The great Surrender - I want it now!"

My dwelling place is LOVE. Its home is the HEART.
It reaches to all corners of the universe and comes right back to live in YOU.
LOVE encompasses every atom of space- it soars in between the atoms of quantum theory. It fuels all sources of energy. It lives in each breath. It creates a new at each second. LOVE knows no boundaries yet is in all the limits of time and space.
It fills the entire cosmos and creates more LOVE...

by Merry C. Battles

Combining Merry's words above with Doug's:

"God is Love." Therefore, if God I Love and I am Love, then I passionately want this Divine Love - to be One with God as Love!" DIVINE SIMPLICITY! SACRED SIMPLICITY!
Love is right here, right now in my heart. It is the "Fuel" for Oneness Blessings. for ALL Blessings, for Healing, for All Healings.

"Come as a child again, to enter the gates of Heaven."

"A great person never ignores the simplicity of a child." Chinese Fortune Cookie from todays' lunch.
"We are created to love and be loved." Mother Teresa
I repeat yet with more clarity of Divine Simplicity:
"Belly laughing rolling around on the ground, after I fully realize Divine Love is the Doer (or the "Door")?" & joyously expect so!"

Jeanne commented on Ron Alexander's blog post 'KISS (keep it simple Source) - SACRED SIMPLICITY'Capt. Ron... thanx for sharing all these good times... good thoughts. Seems you're having alot of fun, feeling good... drinking in the moment. :-)
Jeanne, I had a running dialogue/debate with a Zen Buddhist, who says they are taught to go beyond the senses, the body/mind in their meditation. I told him about Vipassana about going in with "sensory awareness" with the idea of observing the passing show. And we agreed that we have completely different paths both supposedly under The Buddha's instructions. He accused me of having a duality problem, and I replied that having a Spirit/Body split has to be the most destructive duality. I told him of the times I spent in Zen Centers, identifying with the "Crazee Zens" and resisting the attempts to have me wear black robes and sit like they do. We ended up agreeing on the Great Mystery as nobody really knows all the truth. Then he told me that he had to go to bed because Zendo started at 6:15, which made me realize he was more devoted to his path, than I am, so I resumed sitting this AM, and feeling very good about the meditation. A great way to energized the start of the day in mindfulness.
By the way, we ended up becoming friends on facebook. He even told me, upon my asking, that he has tried a sensory deprivation tank. What an interesting difference in meditation tools, don't you think? What is your hit on Zen Buddhism? Yes I am enjoying life, and thinking seriously of going to India to experience the Deepening 28 day program at the Oneness U. and then going up North and visit Vipassana Meditation Centers following Buddha's path ( an new guide book from Pariyatta). Interestingly, the newest deepening by the Sri. Bhagwan is "darkroom" meditation. I was told that they like that I am doing Vipassana meditation, and the new meditation is similar? A big thing that I enjoy about the Oneness Movement is that it is non-dogmatic, and Sri. Bhagwan is always after new things to deepen the process. thanks for reading & responding, ron

Comment by Jeanne: As with many systems and beliefs... I find many parts of Zen to be beautiful... and other parts to be too grim. ...kind of like the Amish.A trip to India sounds wonderful! I suggest going to the Global Pagoda... the crowning glory of Goenka's contribution to humanity.

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