Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ho'Oponopono - Direct Connection with the Divine

"Ho'oponopono" is a form of healing from Hawaii. It was devised many years ago by a Kahuna woman with a long name but she was called "Morna" for short.
It is a simple yet profound concept.
Since we are all part of the human family, we have all had a part in creating all the confusion, suffering, fear & war. On the other hand, we are also part of the healing, light, peace, joy & transformation.
A psychiatrist, Dr. "Hew Len" practiced it while at a mental hospital in Hawaii for five years. He never saw a patient, but with each of their files, he would exclaim: "I am so sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." He did this with each file over and over.
Slowly the hospital started to transform from a sickly place to a healthy place. The employees stopped their high absentism and started enjoying coming to work. The patients got better until there was no need for the hospital after Dr. Len's five years.

I am so sorry,
Please forgive me.
Thank you, I love you.

Ron Alexander said:
Ho'Oponopono - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank-you (See this video - it is best yet on this, ron)

Michele Green: always start with "Thank you" because it puts me in a state of gratitude and in alignment with receiving something de-Light-full.
I then say "I'm sorry" to acknowledge that as a creator of my own Life experience, if something... is out of alignment, I must take responsibility for it and own up to my part in its appearance.
Then comes "Please forgive me" which sets me free because forgiveness is for - giving [to me].
And I always end with "And I love you" because that re-establishes my awareness of the flow of Divine Love in my life. And I love you fills be with our loving joy-full-ness with and for each other.

Joe Vitale of "Outer Limits" and "The Secret" Fame
said it is taking responsibility for everything and then saying I am sorry, Please forgive me. thank you, I love you. over & over to the Divine!

Gratitude Power sent me this note that goes along with Sharon's - about Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len:

Hello Ron,
Kahuna's are part of the Hawaiian ancestors and were healers and guardians. Some were also considered to be magicians and soccerers which is probably where the "witch doctor" label comes from. I've had the opportunity to work with an Hawaiian Aunty on the Big Island and she comes from an amazing lineage of Kumus (spiritual teachers), Kahus (shamans) and Kahunas (healers & guardians) She teaches the traditional Ho'Oponopono.

Dr. Hew Len teaches an updated modern approach he calls Self I-Dentity Ho'Oponopono which is a method of healing from the inside out. The method is based around repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love. It's a very, very powerful process for cleansing, clearing energy/emotional blockages and opening up to receive all the goodness life has to offer. We teach it in our classes Awakening to Gratitude. " I'm sorry-please forgive me- thank you - I love you"--I've witness some amazing shifts using this process.

I recommend the book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len. It's about Dr. Hew Len's work and the Self I-Dentity Ho' Oponopono process

Love and Gratitude
Gratitude Power

I think Peter Makena's song explains why Ho,oponopono works:

When you adopt the viewpoint
That all that exists within your circle of life
Is nothing but another part of you,

When you come to the conclusion
That there is no one who exists, who is not part of you,

You will wisely extend to yourself
An unconditional love that will be
The light of your day, the light of your night
The light that lightens up this world of ours.Peter Makena

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