Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hands Holding Horizon

Bobbi Newman commented on Ron Alexander's photo 'Hands holding horizon:
Lovely way to view it Jeanne. To love and honor mother earth, and hold positive thoughts about her is so important. I come by thought practice to view earth as paradise and mankind as magnificent, but sometimes forgetful. We are all spiritual beings….Jeanne commented on Ron Alexander's photo 'Hands holding horizon':I interpret it as... it's in our hands to love and honor our planet. We can create paradise... no, we can allow paradise... which is what Earth wants to be... she just needs our cooperation.Ron Alexander commented on Ron Alexander's photo: 'Hands holding horizon'No, certainly, use it and help Oneness/Unity create a "Miracle in Myrtle Beach"! as One, ron: Bobbi Newman commented on Ron Alexander's photo 'Hands holding horizon':I hope you don't mind, Ron, I will probably use your picture in a presentation in "Miracle on Maui". The human hands represent how humanity hems things into Linear time without knowing, while the wide horizon reminds us that all is Timelessness,

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