Saturday, July 24, 2010

Love is the most amazing energy in the Universe.
It dissipates and transmutes the heaviest of energie...s and the most intense blocks.

The only way to create change is from Love.
Love opens closed hearts.
Love awakens minds to oneness.

In situations of great harm ~ sometimes we are taken from acting from Love because we feel pain and anger about what has happened.
These negative emotions create a block to us giving of Love and changing the situation from Love.

It is OK to feel but if we allow these feelings to block us seeing the path of Light in all situations or allow these feelings to hold us in negative thoughts ~ we are blocked to using our most amazing gift ~ the giving of Love.

Trust in Light and
Trust in Love always ♥

By:Gaia Healing
Derek Stone commented on your link:
"Beautiful words and so true"
The Body is The Temple of God when you realise this and understand who is inside, what immense power you have. YE ARE GODS.
Ron Alexander: Good on ya, Derek - some metaphysics teach that the body is an enemy. As within, without. The Dalai Lama wrote a great book: THE UNIVERSE WITHIN EVERY ATOM. When I used to hear about emptiness, nothingness, or space (Tolle), I kinda shunned the idea, however now, I know this "emptiness" is brimming with radiant bliss peace Love energy - Power! God is not only within, Love is Everywhere!Derek Stone: Thanks Ron for sharing this I agree fully God is not only inside us but as you say in everything else. I learned quite a lot about my own spiritualism through Edgar Cayce (the most famous American Psychic) and Dr Steven Hairfield www.hairfield,com . I believe that Parts of the Bible have been changed and many Books left out too suit the greed of Power over the ages, however the message is still clear LOVE GOD, LOVE EACH OTHER, WE ARE ALL ONE

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