Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forever Oneness

Forever Oneness,
who sings to us in silence,
who teaches us through each other.
Guide my steps with strength and wisdom.
May I see the lessons as I walk,
honor the Purpose of all things.
Help me touch with respect,
always speak from behind my eyes.
Let me observe, not judge.
May I cause no harm,
and leave music and beauty after my visit.
When I return to forever
may the circle be closed
and the spiral be broader.

~ Bee Lake ~
(an Aboriginal poet)

The Dalai Lama: "The reality of our planet now is that every nation is interdependent, interconnected. So, the concept of "we" and "'they" is no longer valid. The entire world should be part of "we". One's own future entirely depends on the rest of the world. Yes, the United States is the biggest nation, the most powerful nation, the most powerful economically, but your future depends on the rest of the world. That's the reality. So treat others as a part of yourself. We need a concept of oneness, of humanity. We need a sense of global responsiblity."

Oneness Blessing/Deeksha, by Bobbi Newman (edited by ron)

The Oneness Blessing/Deeksha is a gift of grace from God. It is the transfer of sacred energy freely given. It is an awakening to higher states of consciousness. The blessing is transferred through the instrument of the blesser’s hands, which are placed upon the crown of the recipients head.

The blessing opens the heart and begins a change in perception to Oneness with all creation and the Divine. Freeing the senses, it enables clear perception, dissolves negative life patterns and stored traumas, and allows deep emotional and physical healing. Be aware of frequent spontaneous outbreaks of love, joy and peace.

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