Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oneness Blessing Song for the Ocean

Ocean Oneness Blessings, One Song, & Prayers for Healing Yesterday: Lesta Sue Hardee: Looks like it was a Beautiful Oneness Day! I'm feeling the love!
Garna Sorensen: i can feel the and warmth
Yes, thank you Garna & Lesta Sue, you got it right! It was a loving, peaceful Oneness with each other and the ocean.

Myrtle Beach area (Our 12 Noon group at the Isle of Light joined with this group vicariously at the closer N. Myrtle Beach gathering) groups take a stand against offshore drilling
Groups across the Grand Strand drew a line in the sand against offshore drilling Saturday, joining in a nationwide protest of more than 800 ...
WOW. Yes to Clean Green Energy
Working with our allies at Hands Across The Sand, Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club, Environment America,, Friends of the Earth, and dozens of other great groups, we pulled off 901 total events in 38 countries and 537 different U.S. cities.
In some places the lines were so long that photos had to be taken from the sky to get it all in, And the media coverage was phenomenal. From The New York Times to The Washington Post and major TV networks, Hands Across The Sand was everywhere.2
Together, we sent an unmistakable message to Washington: "no" to offshore drilling, and "yes" to clean energy.

Linda, Anita, Don, Sally & Jackie, after long day and three meditation/prayer groups, are the only ones left besides me taking photo, of course.
Oma Ka Om One Song for the Ocean

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