Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oneness Blessings Schedule

The summer solstice is today. The Sun aligns with the tropic of Cancer. Three months of summer and one month of the zodiac sign of the crab have begun. On this, the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere, it is a extra special day to spread the Light! We do not see things they way THEY are, we see things the way WE are.~~The Talmud
Ron Alexander: What we see is what we get (Flip Wilson) so see the Divine and get the Divine! in joy, ron. So come on and enjoy and spread Healing Light Blessings. Giving is receiving and Receiving is giving!
Oneness Blessings Group
Today at 3:00pm
Yoga Room, Palmetto Pointe, Socastee (see directions above)

Everybody is a mirror anyway, might as well make them a Divine Mirror - your choice!
Oneness Blessings are really a magnificent way to reflect Love and Light and become Mirrors of the Sacred.
Oneness Blessing @ Yoga Room tomorrow @ 3:00pm. It is at Palmetto Point - one light South of the "Back Gate" going into the Marke...t Commons on the other side of 17 Bypass. Yoga Room - 236-9642. Wed. at 6:30, we continue Intro. to Oneness Blessings at Unity. Rev. David asked me to announce that on July 4th, he would appreciate the support of many Blessing Givers to surround the congregation with Healing Blessings.

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