Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Watch Your Thoughts and Your Body

"If you realized how powerful
your thoughts are, would never think a negative thought."
Peace Pilgrim

Buddha said that "All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
He goes on and says these thoughts create our suffering. Then he learned in his meditation, that they also go into our bodies as toxin. He learned that to let go of the thoughts we have to know about impermanence and not to attach to even pleasurable ones. Buddha realized that by sensory awareness of our bodies, he could let them go quickly just by observing them, and become purified and liberated." His meditation is called Vipassana (Insight) and he never meant to create a religion called "Buddhism". So Vipassana meditation is taught as Universal Truth in a non-secular way.
And to end in a "Metta" prayer: "May all beings be happy, peaceful and free."

Jennifer Sullivan: The most violent element in society is ignorance. ~Emma

Ron Alexander: "If we put an end to ignorance of the law of karma (cause and effect), then there will be no blind reactions that bring in their wake all manner of suffering. And if there is no suffering, then we shall experience real peace, real happiness. The wheel of suffering can change into a wheel of liberation.
By yourself committing wrong
you defile yourself.
By yourself not doing wrong
you purify yourself."
Siddhattha Gotama (who became a Buddha, as we all can)

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