Friday, May 28, 2010

More At Pristine Isle Of Light and on Sacred Lands nearby - Pink Orbs?

"Pink Orbs" at Isle of Light?

Diaphanous Angel Wings held by Prayer Healer, Psychic Maria:

Full Moon with reflection in creek and orbs - big one at tip of land:

Christi, Joanna, & April on dock where I took full moon photos:

Orange full moon with reflections and orbs off dock:

Full Moon through the trees (Orbs = Devas?)

The previous weekend where Joanna noticed benevolent Spirit while in Hammock:
Orb between Yucca plants where Joanna sensed benevolent Spirit:

Joanna in hammock with marsh creeks & Isle of Light in background:

Joanna in Hammock with grove of Live Oaks in background:

Orb above Yucca Plants nearby where Joanna sensed benevolent Spirit in hammock:

Winter, Sally, Sarah & Jean - Hammock (previous weekend):

Let there be Light: Gifted Prayer Healer/ Psychic Maria on beach at Isle of Light:

Maria's message (from "water angels")to me at this blessed time at Isle of Light: "That I was a Navaho in a previous life, and that I taught about "Pristine (Pure)" Nature, and that I was to do this again - especially for the "kids who come here and stay in the highrises). Well, I am a retired capt. who used to teach Marine Science under sail, so maybe the reading (Maria did not know that) had to do with that "teaching of kids"?

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