Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oneness Means Being a Divine Mirror to Each Other & Our Selves!

If you look at every human as a Divine Mirror, you will know yourself and understand life. Sherif Baba

First we must look at Our Divine Self in the mirror, & Love the Divine Inside.
Mereana Taki: The quickest way to end outer suffering is create a climate of undying Love and Devotion within your own BEing. Our Soul's are naturally rejuvenating ecstatic Spiritual expansion. Give yourself the gift of perfect peace. Give yourself the Love that you are searching for and know unto itself attracts.

When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are, experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering, the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth! - M.M.(Michael Milner, Oneness Florida)

(Mystical Spiritual Art Network on Architects of a New Dawn Created by Merina Rael)

Looking as everybody as a Divine Mirror as worked miracles for me lately. Being & Seeing Divine transcends any "self-esteem, self-worth" issues! "What you see is what you get." Flip Wilson

Science of Mind magazine: "The life fully lived is filled with self-confidence. It is one in which we know that the intelligence and love of the universe are within us, and we place ourselves in right relationship with the world around us -a relationship of respect and creativity.
As we attune ourselves to the creative flow of Spirit's presence in our relationships and in our expressions of life, we will become self-assertive without being egotistical. But it takes a sense of trust in the invisible laws of the universe and a deep knowledge that there is a spiritual essence within everything. It takes faith."
(From Rev. Dr. Linda McNamar's daily guides,.)

Teach only love for that is what you are. ACIM

Patricia Gianniou: Well, the week after my Mom passed away, I was driving down a lonely highway, thinking about her and how at the funeral home, there was such a wave of love that passed through that night. People stood around with their arms around each other telling loving stories about her and how much she loved everyone. Well, as I was thinking about this, I heard, for the first time, a voice in my head that said, "Love is All there Is". I knew that was Spirit telling me the truth ... (tears in my eyes right now as I remember that moment). And, as I thought about it, I realized for the first time that if God is Love, Love is God and Love (God) is all there is ... All is God. So my most sacred phrase is "Love is All there is".

Divine Mirrors from "64 Oneness Blessings" - very deep powerful process as opposed to heightening effect of Muhkti Deeksha at Awakening to Oneness. Probably you need to experience one in order to experience the depth of the other:


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