Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free Will to Love or hate?

Free Will to love or hate? I think this is Isaac Bailey piece is vitally important to our country and our world:

Issac Bailey: A majority of Americans for the first time say gay and lesbian relationships are morally acceptable. I believe that means we are moving in the right direction, towards more equality. That's a ...good thing, especially in light of the recent visits to Myrtle Beach by Westboro Baptist Church, which preaches God hates gays (and the rest of us).A Different World
An interesting note: Gallup for the first timefound that a majority of Americans believe that gayand lesbian relationshipsare morally acceptable. I find it interesting in light of the recent visits...
You, Patti Knapp and 3 others like this.

Ron Alexander: Great comment, Isaac, I think you ought to go after National Syndication as a columnist. This country needs to read and heed your compassionate views! thanks, ron ·
Ron Alexander: "I have discovered that the highest good is love. This principle is at the center of the cosmos. It is the great unifying force of life. God is love. One who loves has discovered the clue to the meaning of ultimate reality; one who hates stands in the immediate candidacy for nonbeing."
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. from STRENGTH TO LOVE - one of the most inspirational books ever written.
Melinda Waldrop: Amen, Mr. Alexander!
Chris Tina: Amen to Isaac's comment and all the others as well!
Laurie Marinelli: I am still shocked by the audacity of any group to claim to know what God hates...God created each and everyone of us, He wants the best for us. The best does not includee hatred.
Cheryl Carvalho-Case: What is even sadder is that we have like minded churches here who proudly display those messages on their signs. The world needs all religions and spiritual people that teach kindness , tolerance and forgiveness while also teaching people that they also have a moral duty to their fellow humans and must take responsibility for their actions.
I feel if Dr. King's books were a part of required reading in schools and homes, this country would be a much better place.
The Rev. Kings, Mother Teresas and Bishop Tutus are the rarest of the rare.

Love never claims, it ever gives; love never
suffers, never resents, never revenges itself. Where there is love there
is life; hatred leads to destruction.~
Mahatma Gandhi ~
Whale Communicators: "None of us has the power to make someone else love us. But we all have the power to give away love, to love other people. And if we do so, we change the kind of person we are, and we change the kind of world we live in." from the Handbook for the Heart - Original Writing on Love
Christi,i I asked "Whale Communicators" and:
"Hi there Ron Alexander - We have an awesome 2nd handstore on the island called Grannys - I picked this book up yesterday - It is called Handbook for the Heart - Original Writings on Love by Richard Clarlson and Benjamin Shield fist published back in 1998"

Jeanne commented: Perhaps it could be said that love is the energy of the Divine Oneness.
I do believe Love is the most powerful healing medicine. Yes, Love is the energy for Divine Oneness ... Love is all there is .... You are Divine Love Precious One ... You are Sweetness itself ... .
Dear Patricia, I am getting some t-shirts made (already made a deposit). On the back is "We are created to love and be loved." Mother Teresa. And that is a done deal. However, on the front pocket (I like pockets) will be Divine Mirror (my favorite so far), We are One, God is love, One Love, Love & Be Loved...what Sacred Phrase would you use? We are One in Love, ron .
"Teach only Love for that is what you are."
A Course in Miracles

Patricia Gianniou Well, the week after my Mom passed away, I was driving down a lonely highway, thinking about her and how at the funeral home, there was such a wave of love that passed through that night. People stood around with their arms around each other telling loving stories about her and how much she loved everyone. Well, as I was thinking about this, I heard, for the first time, a voice in my head that said, "Love is All there Is". I knew that was Spirit telling me the truth ... (tears in my eyes right now as I remember that moment). And, as I thought about it, I realized for the first time that if God is Love, Love is God and Love (God) is all there is ... All is God. So my most sacred phrase is "Love is All there is".

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