Saturday, May 22, 2010

Balancing The Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies

"It is beautiful to acknowledge the Oneness of all energies."

Comment by Ron Alexander on May 18, 2010
Yes, as a Male, I know we need more Yin - Divine Feminine Energy to balance out the Yang Patriarchal energy that has dominated our world for so long. We need Balance not matriarchy. in Loving Oneness, ron

Comment by Olivia Kachman: Thank-you for your authenticity, Ron. The divine feminine is a shift for us all on this Earth- males and females alike. It is all about balance. Both energies are beautiful and necessary and one is not to be dominant over the other. It is beautiful to acknowledge the Oneness of all energies. .

These comments are on Kahu Kahealani group "Honoring the Divine Feminine..." on the
World Oneness site.

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