Thursday, April 1, 2010

Realization of Oneness with the Divine - the True Fountain of Youth

In Him, we live, move, and have our being.-Acts 17:28

"It is an interesting fact that, whether we know it and whether or not we like it, our lives are so tied in with God, the living Spirit, that we cannot remain young and enthusiastic unless we know that we are one with that which knows no age and no burdens.
Let us make up our minds that yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet arrived, but today can be filled with wonder if we know that we stand on the threshold of that which is wonderful and new."

Paraphrased from a day in "Daily Wisdom" by Ernest Holmes

Below is a day in "Daily Wisdom" by Ernest Holmes

Comment by Jeanne Great quote! from Ernest. "...cannot remain young unless... we are one..."
Thanks Capt. Ron... have a very merry Monday.

Comment by Ron Alexander
Jeanne, Becoming a Deeksha (Oneness Blessing) Giver, I have often wondered how we can teach others to give themselves that Gift! Then I was meditating this AM, and realized Vipassana Meditation is indeed that Gift! I am going to set a date soon for another ten dayer. thanks for the inspiration, ron

Comment by Jeanne Something about this being a journey that no other can do for you... Vipassana is a gift you must give yourself. I tell everyone I know about it... but have come to realize that its like a calling... and we're all called to different paths. Though for most of us who have done a 10 dayer, theres an unspoken understanding, a knowing... like one young woman said... "there's your bio-family and there's your vipassana family." We are also planning another 10 dayer in May...

Ron adds:
"He who givens himself to vanity, and does not give himself to meditation, forgetting the real aim of life and grasping at pleasure, will in time envy him who has exerted himself in meditation." The Buddha

Jeanne replies:
Love that Buddha quote... I'd never heard that one before. It is so true. Reminds me of the aged meditators I see at the courses... with their beautiful posture and clear sparkling eyes. Inspiring... and something to aspire to.