Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thoughts are things; form things, the finger pointing to the moon.

"Thought' this went with Rita's wise enigmatic quote below:

Comment by Rita O'Gorman
Thoughts are things; form things, the finger pointing to the moon.

"Thoughts are things; form things, the finger pointing to the moon." Rita, this quote is very meaningful to me. As I was recovering from the shock of Mom shockiingly virtually leaving me out of her will last year, I started reflecting on quotes like "the best and most beautiful things in life are not things." Then I heard from a friend who travels to the Amazon that a Shaman told her that "thoughts are things." in gratitude, ron
By the way, I have successfully reframed the inheritance into a Divine One, using a Jesus quote - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and All shall be added." This has delightfully proven true to me.

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