Friday, April 16, 2010

Going Green with Diesel & Biodiesel

Sunflowers: beautiful and can be used as biodiesel, cooking oil and food!

Going Green with car (I drive alot) - found nice affordable older diesel sedan finally! I have promoted diesel and biodiesel for years, after being a boat captain, and learning to love 'em.

Why diesel and biodiesel. Well, 2 years ago the VW Jetta TDI (diesel) shocked the hybrid world by winning the Green Car of the Year. This year an Audi diesel sedan won it finally convincing many Americans that diesel is the way to go green.

Europe has been on to the more economical, durable diesel engine for years and now the EU mandates 5% biodiesel which reduces pollution by an astounding 70%. Now, over here the diesel exhaust has been dramatically reduced by the ultralow sulfur diesel. Even though it is not mandated until 2011, many oil companies are... already producing this clean diesel. Have you noticed the vast difference in the smoke exhaust from trucks and busses?
Hopefully, US auto manufacturers will see the light and start catching up to
Europe which is now over 55% diesel autos.

As a passenger-carrying boat captain, I preferred diesels as I did not have to worry about poisoning the people with carbon monoxide, or blowing them up with gasoline. The diesel is carbon neutral, and is virtually inflammable.
Also, this VW Passat I am purchasing, will get 40mph. Wake up US Auto manufacturers!

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