Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessings

The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessings

The Universe wants to shower us with Blessings

To bless, says Pierre, means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden from material eyes;

Jeanne from Crone to the Bone commented: "What a great find, Capt. Ron! ...thanks for posting it; I will watch it again and again."

Relaxing, Healing, Inspirational, Affirmative, Beautiful Images, Words, & Music!

P. from Paris wrote: "This is so beautiful. I will pass it on to my friends.

" "The beauty of this video moved me to tears. Tears of Joy! Thank you for sharing with all of us."
Bobbi N. on Crone to the Bone .

M. A. H. from Hawaii : This is a great gift for starting my day. Thank you, Ron, for all you are and for all you do for blessing, unity and peace in the world. Great Blessings to you, M.

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