Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God...

My Divine Inheritance

One of my favorite and helpful verses is "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things shall be added." This has proven true after shockingly being virtually left out of my Mom's will last year. I felt so rejected that I was either going to commit suicide or surrender to God. Thankfully, it was logical and emotionally sensible to do the latter. Unity Christianity has been very helpful plus Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes) readings. A Vipassana ten day silent retreat has helped me to turn more to Silence and disciplined meditation for more profound realizations.

I was also blessed with learning the Ho'Oponopono prayer from Hawaii: "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you." Since we are all one, pray for yourself and keeping the image of your "enemy" in my mind has produced miraculous results.

Recently, I experienced a "cleansing" by a young humble "shaman", who I really felt "seen" by. During the cleansing ritual, Flavio spent a lot of time ritualistically "putting spiritual gloves on me". A day later, the winds of Divine Grace mercifully sailed me to Oneness Blessing Training in Florida, which has been one of the best spiritual assists in my life. I don't think I could have become a hands-on Oneness Blessing Giver without the "spiritual gloves ritual."
I have a easy time gauging my spiritual growth with a gradual but obvious increase in joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness...Tagore

" . . . the kingdom of heaven is not a place, instead it is a state of consciousness. It is the mystical experience of union with God."

from Do Greater Things - Searcy
Thanks to Christi Spivey for this quote

Oneness Blessers are taught that "spiritual awakening is primarily a neurobiological event". Anandagiri one of the first teachers for Amma/Bhagavan stated after reading the research of several scientists who studied the Oneness Blessings at Bhagavan's request: "If all of this is governed by the state of the brain, what does it matter which teaching you subscribe to, or which faith you follow. It is totally immaterial."
Bhagavan, like the Dalai Lama, enjoys studying neuroscience, and working with the brain experts, states: "the parietal lobes operate at about three times the activity needed to perform their healthy functions. As a result, in addition to being able to negotiate space, the parietal lobes create a strong sense of separation: of a me and a not me. In this sense, Bhagavan suggests that overactive parietal lobes are the biological seat of the ego: their overactivity creates the illusion of a deficient separate self that constantly needs to do something to solve a problem. Bhagavan explains that when most people arrive at the Oneness U., the dasas get intuitive readings of between 56 and 60. They try to bring the readings down to below 30 on the left and 25 on the right. Once the readings come below these levels, they claim that the sense of separation naturally dissolves."
Also reported in Awakening to Oneness by Arjuna Ardagh: "Dr. Wagstaff feels that the Blessings causes changes in the distribution of energy within the brain, which affects the hormonal system, regulating all of the body's vital functions. He suggests that as the amount of neurotransmitter activity shifts out of the reptilian brain, as overactivity in the parietal lobes is reduced, and as more energy comes into the frontal lobes, there is an immediate effect on the limbic system. He reports a reduction in both adrenalin and cortisol, widely accepted as our "fight or flight" hormones, and that as those hormones decrease, there is a corresponding increase in the production of oxytocin, sometimes known as the 'love and cuddle' hormone."

Reading above, we are taught to use pranayama and chakra mantras/sutras to quiet the brain before we give the Oneness Blessings. However, we are also taught that whatever works will do - Christian prayer and meditation, Buddhist chanting, etc. Personally, Vipassana (Insight) meditation works best for me, but since I am not a teacher of Buddha's meditation, I will utilize the CD's the Oneness Movement provides on a powerful Pranayama meditation (Ananda Mandala), the beautiful Chakra Dyana. plus the chanting Moola Mantra. CD's are accompanied by soothing music, which I think is important as a background as we give the blessings.

Today, I received a very unexpected letter from a person who has been sending out anti-Obama messages since he was a candidate. I would usually respond: "If you had just gone after Osama like you did Obama" and "healthcare -yes, wealthcare - too much already." Here is what she wrote: "Dear Ron,
am leaving today to go to Las Vegas back on 22of March it is for Arbonne if you are on Face book we can be friends Carole Wilson

--------- Ron Alexander wrote ------------(over a year ago during the campaign)
Here is paragraph from novel I am co-writing with writing group:

“Div is the most passionate person I have ever met about his spiritual beliefs and says they go beyond labels like liberal or conservative. He is strongly part of a world-wide ‘Oneness Movement’....

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