Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Oneness that is God

"Today is a good day to die." is repeated by some Native American Warriors on their way to battle.

To me it means they are ready to let go of their bodies. I want to be ready to die right now. I want to be feel like I have been a helper not a controller. One thing I need to do is to let go and Let God. I want to make amends for a post(s) that has "people" upset around here. When I wrote it, I had a little voice nudging me that it was from capt. ego trying to build myself up, to look good to you people who I seem to want to impress. I am starting to listen to that voice, and I thank you all for helping me in this realization. Being "right", controversial, divisive, argumentative has not brought me the Love I want in this life. So, I am gently retiring capt. ego, as he has been pushing himself too long now to try to sail to the shores of freedom. Freedom means surrendering to another Pilot, and letting them set the sails to the Winds of Divine Grace. I had a dream one time when sailing a long distance alone, and taking a short nap (which is all one can do in the circumstance), I was feeling very safe and therefore rested, and that was because I looked out in the cockpit there was Jesus at the helm. So I am turning my vessel over to a new Capt., with a certitude of knowing that I am safe and free. I don't have to prove myself. I want to be a uniter and not a divider. What is happening positive for me is that joy and peace is progressively increasing in my life, so Love is coming around even if it comes the hard way sometimes. Storms in the sea make a calm harbor look really heavenly!

Please accept my apologies, Crones and Crone-lovers. I am sorry, please forgive, thank you for I know you will. We are One in Love, ron

When we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline, we slowly come to hear the still, small voice and to feel the delicate breeze, and so to come to know the presence of Love.
Henri Nouwen

. Comment by Ron Alexander The Oneness that is God

God is the giver of all tbings - by means of love. The Spirit is always at peace.
There is no argument in Divine Mind. The Spirit has never doubted Itself, opposed Itself, or disagreed with Itself. This is the Oneness that is God. Deep
within me is that which never gets angry, troubled, or afraid. When I seem to be in conflict, I become still so that I may listen
. Ernest Holmes .

Comment by Jeanne Me again, Capt... to confess that I too like a fiery debate, but preferably with another who recognizes it as an impersonal and intellectual exercise. I've suffered the remorse of inappropriately timed debate... too much and too little. and with the wrong parties. Live and learn...

I do find myself with more of a que sera sera attitude than ever before. ...and then debate wearies me.
I fiercely defend our right to be wrong... and to learn from our actions and inactions. And I encourage our willingness to fall on our faces until we get it. .

Comment by Christa Lore Urban The norse warriors had a similar statement. I think it all ties into the life each moment like it were your last. Don't live life with fear and regret .

Comment by Jeanne I have always found your posts to be inspiring, interesting and provocative, Capt. Ron. Whatever offenses you have committed, have escaped me... but I appreciate your willingness to extend the olive branch.

I like "today is a good day to die"... similar to "I die daily." The courage to lay down your life... and the willingness to fight the good fight that life brings. Seems we're continually called to balance the apparent dualities of nature... the strength of the individual ego to face the void... and the humility to allow their energy to serve the greater good.

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