Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Thyself - A Valentine Card for You (revised)

"Loving Who You Are, The Ultimate Spiritual Practice"

You are a holy vessel, a one-of-a kind creation. The more you love yourself, the more energy you will have to offer our planet. You may think you have been denied opportunities or squandered chances, But, in this present moment, your breath is holy, and streams of creative energy await your cue. Still, you may believe that you are not enough, or don’t have everything it takes. These conventional and habitual beliefs keep you separate from your true nature and the genius, power, and love that you have to give us. That’s why self-love is the ultimate spiritual practice. Tama J. Kieves (This is the first paragraph of a brilliant article titled "Loving Yourself..." in the Feb. Science of Mind magazine.)

Love Begins With Loving Yourself. Sri Bhagavan- check out www.onenessmovementflorida.org

Love is the Essence of my Being

Remaining constantly open to the Love of God within us can produce great results. It may be elusive, but Love pervades everything, renewing our soul and uplifting our emotions. We can all live harmoniously, happily & successfully with each other when we practice a conscious recognition of the presence of our Love within. We can overcome the troubles and difficulties that we have allowed to enter our lives when we remember that Love is the creating and sustaining Presence within all of us.
God loves, moves, gives & exists in me. I listen with complete faith & trust to the Voice of Love guiding me today. I accept that abundant good that is flowing easily & freely to me. In return, I am loving and generous to all others, knowing that we are joined in Spirit. My whole mind and heart are open to the Divine influx of joy, wisdom, and guidance. I am overflowing with Love.

Above all clothe yourselves with love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14.

Since God is love, and God is All-in-All, Love must be the underlying principle of life, and therefore in all. This Life is my life. This Love is me. It is the very essence of my being. Love heals everything, every imperfection of mind or body or environment. Love alone may overcome hatred (Martin Luther King Jr. wrote about this beautifully in Strength to Love), anger, envy and criticism. Where Love is, there is no room for any negative emotion. Love is the Great Adjuster.
I know that Love is harmony, peace and joy. In it all is good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow out into my world of thought and action. I am Love. The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy freedom and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving.
Ernest Holmes

The first step to One Love is loving yourself. Oneness is not complete without you. A spiritual practice has to start with loving yourself. Can you embrace and soothe your inner critic with Love? (Love never faileth. 1Cor.13). And we will probably have to begin by forgiving ourselves. "Forgiveness" is filled with all the grace and love we need in order to move past any mistakes/errors we all make. Happy Love Day! Be Love(d), Ron Alexander

I am open to the Love of God within me: If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. (1 John 4:12) (and “perfect love casts out fear.”)

I am one with my Beloved: …for the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

I am filled with the spirit of powerful loving kindness: God did not give me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

This is the true measure of love, when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us. -Goethe

Love all God’s creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

For healing wholeness, embrace all of you (yes, even the shadow, egotistical, judgemental parts) with Love, for wholeness includes All. How? Tools:
Right hand over heart, repeat “God’s love is right here, right now.” Ho’oponopono Prayer for forgiveness: “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Do it for yourself, and it will work for all since we are One. Meditate, silence, hot bath, inspirational music, good loving orgs. (churches, temples, synagogues, etc), support groups, counselors, creative projects, read. How gentle and kind can you be to yourself? Be a human being, not a human doing- relax! Massages, reiki, Oneness Blessing Givers (Deekshas), exercise, fresh air, healthy food, yoga, mindfulness (awareness in the moment) Think Love! Be Love!

You are the One we have been waiting on. May all beings be happy, free and Love(d) , ron alexander

Comment by Jeanne 1 day ago "If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things."
Thank-you Capt. Ron for these many quotes from love masters...
even if they weren't 'masters'... and their shadow side was shady... they knew the value and importance of this phenomenal energy we call love. We each need it, thrive on it... and waste away without it.

Jeanne commentsLove the "embracing all of me including my egomaniac..."

I really appreciate what you said, Capt. Ron... for I too think that a healthy, balanced ego is the mission... not the denial of it. After all, my ego plays a role in me wanting to 'better' myself... my ego wants me to evolve

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


I responded to a survey request from http://love-olution.com My responses are based on 2 ½ decades of research, study, experiential learning & seeking Inner Truth. Please read with your heart & if it feels appropriate, share & spark others to positively influence their lives & a New World Age coming toward us.

Doreen Agonisto:

7. How do you incorporate love into your business or professional life?

I follow heart awareness even when it defies logic.

I live in present moment awareness, gratitude and appreciation. When in doubt, I ask Soul, ‘What would you have me do?’ and the answers come. I teach from experience or Inner truth [IT]. My intention and attention focus on unity, integrity, authenticity, truth, playfulness, love, laughter, generosity, creativity, joy, appreciation and gratitude.

I BLESS IT all, which sparks me to seek the higher purpose in perceived adversity. I interpret Haitian loss during a recent earthquake as a ‘gift of Soulness’, to raise the signature energy of Earth during this Shift. Solidarity and outpouring of compassion, love and support globally, raised our signature energy for Infinite Light God Awareness to flow into our world to assist as this Shift advances. Recall a person, place or thing that you love and when you FEEL love, flow gratitude and appreciation to the entire Nation of Haiti and surrounding water, which holds consciousness. Lend a hand by signing a Petition at www.aavaz.org to cancel Haiti’s debt and free money to rebuild and restore. APPRECIATION is a most power-full way to raise your signature energy, especially when you can bless what defies logic, rather than the energetic frequency of judgement, criticism, complaining, shaming and or blaming yourself or others.

"To attract, heal, or balance (Sharon Taphorn & her Angels)
relationships is to realize that the most important relationship you
have is with yourself, every other relationship follows from there."
The relationships in our lives are vast and many. If you have an
imbalance in your relationship with yourself, it is reflected in your
relationships with others. Spend time getting to know and love
yourself. What qualities do you love about yourself? What don't you
love about yourself? Focus on your wonderful qualities and work on
loving the ones you don't, as well as the ones you would like to have.

Angel wisdom reminds you that you are truly a beautiful and special
person. You are worthy of healthy, balanced relationships, and to trust
in yourself to make wise and honourable decisions. Most often blocks we
have in attracting or healing relationships are rooted in an emotional
experience from childhood or within a past or existing relationship.
Ask your inner child what relationships mean to you in general and/or a
specific relationship so that you can better understand and heal. Then,
in your mind and your heart, surround yourself, the situations, and the
person(s) with calming pink light and ask the angels to help you. Be
open to the gifts within each situation and allow yourself to feel the
love and peace.

Affirm often:"I am love, I am loved."

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