Monday, February 1, 2010

Its the Valentine Month - Time for Love

This month of "Unconditional Love" continues with an exploration of Love As The Creative Impulse Of The Universe. Dr. Holmes tells us that all is Love, yet all is Law. Love is the reason, Law is the way. The Divine creates out of an impulse to express, experience, and enjoy. That impulse (the word) is acted upon by Law and comes into manifestation (is made flesh). The Creative Process does not stop working after the 6th day of creation. It continues onto this very day and in fact can never stop working. Join us Sunday for more ideas on how you can partake of Love by participating in the Creative Process.

When we persevere with the help
of a gentle discipline, we
slowly come to hear the still,
small voice and to feel the
delicate breeze, and so to
come to know the presence
of Love.

Henri Nouwen

View Doreen A Agostino's blog:

I agreed to respond to a ‘LOVE’ Survey conducted by Below are my responses based on 2 ½ decades of research, study, experiential learning and seeking my own Inner Truth. I will post 2 responses a week over 4 weeks until all responses are shared. I ask that you read with your heart and if moved to do so, please share and spark others to awaken from the dream about who we are not.

Q1. What does the word Love mean to you?
Love is a signature ‘energy’ and only true power. When you ‘feel’ the subjective or nonmaterial e-motion called love, you are sensing this signature energy in motion.

Today, leading edge physicists reveal, that underlying all reality everything is interconnected. Infinite Light, best described as unconditional love, is all there is. There is no form, only possibilities, for Infinite Light Awareness, the only true power, to experience Infinite Light Awareness, called many names including God. I perceive religion and science are now saying similar things using different language.

In my view, unconditional love is the signature energy of Infinite Light God Awareness and everyone and everything is a unique ‘spark’ of this One Awareness. There is no-one and no-thing that is not love.

Q2. Have you ever felt like love was missing from your life? (How do you handle these periods of time?)Yes, I missed the playful interaction, growth and intimacy of a male partner, until I became aware of how power-fully we influence our own reality. More than 90% of the ‘data’ in our subconscious mind rules our lives, until we choose otherwise. What shows up on our outer life screen is Inner Truth or feedback related to that data. Until we seek and find Inner Truth, the energetic frequency of old data delays new possibilities.

The fact that I kept attracting men who were unavailable was feedback that old data in my subconscious was keeping me unavailable. I asked Soul to clarify and as I was ready, Inner Truth clearly revealed how the energetic frequency of my inner emotional wounds and lack of unconditional love of self, kept me playing ‘small’ and ‘safe’.

Rather than deny, bury or judge my inner wounded self, I embrace and surround my inner wounds with deep love just as I would a frightened child. When I InPower love, I nurture guilt, the judge, the critic, the one who feels unworthy, until they feel safe and one with me. I refer to the ‘sum’ of an individual’s beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings as their unique signature energy - a ‘signal’ that is always being answered with a matching energetic frequency.

Love elevates our signature energy and until we unconditionally love all parts of ourselves into wholeness, ‘we’ hold joy and that which makes our heart sing, apart from ourselves. To assist Earth as She prepares to birth a New World Age, re-member you are a unique ‘cell’ in the body of Earth - with a specific function. Custom message from Doreen Agostino at Tags: biology, evolution, new, quantum leap.

.More Doreen's Love

I responded to a survey request from My responses are based on 2 ½ decades of research, study, experiential learning & seeking Inner Truth. Please read with your heart & if it feels appropriate, share & spark others to positively influence their lives & a New World Age coming toward us.

5. From your perspective, what is the most practical way to bring more love into the world?

Mightiest power doth freewill bring; a change of heart changes everything.

Collective resonance is like entrainment - a physics phenomenon where two oscillating bodies lock into phase & resonate in harmony. This means when you ‘choose a new response’ to a life experience like unconditional love, you become a bridge to new possibilities for others to cross into a New World Age.

Where your attention goes energy flows and influences your reality. Without judgment, release attachment to a dying past. With UNWAVERING FOCUS, imagine, FEEL, think about, talk about, write about, laugh about, be thankful for and APPRECIATE this ‘Extraordinary moment to EVOLve a New Age of Light.’ Show reverence for all life as Infinite Light God Awareness experiences ITSELF in every possible way.

Be your word 100%. Pain, loss and suffering have frozen the power of love in many human hearts. Love yourself unconditionally FIRST. Pay attention to ‘feedback’ and be sure to embrace your inner wounds as they cry out for love and oneness with you. When you love yourself unconditionally and feel good about you, IT is easier to love others as they are and let them find their next steps, when they are ready.

Ask your heart for the truth of this – ‘God Awareness knows God Awareness through the uniqueness of everyone and everything. Nothing you do, ever did or will do can change the spark of Infinite Light God unconditional love you are. And so it is for EVERY human’.

Ask Soul within, to help you expand self awareness. Are you ready to experience the limitless power of Soul unconditional love? If you are struggling or feel doubtful or uncertain, align within and ask Soul, ‘What would you have me do?’ Those who go within, seldom go without! Ego is a concept that lives only in the past or future. Maintain your focus and attention in present moment open heart awareness to InPower unconditional love of Soul to bring you through anything, including this Shift.

Internet is on time and purpose, for us to unite and align during this Shift. Through Internet radio and independent news, this survey, my new human experience book entitled, ‘So You Think You’re Awake’: Liberate Yourself From Anything Outside This Moment Revealed, other books and word of mouth, awareness of this Shift is expanding.

I believe as SOUL, we all agreed to be here now, to unite as one and change the course of history.

We are the ONE we are waiting for.

I appreciate and celebrate you! Take a moment now to FEEL appreciation and celebrate yourself and every member of our human family. As we begin to see ourselves and one another beyond what we are not, we set ourselves and each other free, to be and live Extraordinarily well!

Breathe and invite God Awareness to fill your heart which knows only truth. Read first and try this:

1. Close your eyes and simply ‘be aware’.

2. Take a deep breath and ‘be aware of being aware.’

3. Take another deep breath and ‘be aware of being aware of the Presence of God Awareness’

4. Breathe Infinite Light God Awareness into your every cell. FEEL this Presence and flow IT to all life. You are not the possessor of awareness; you are awareness, for there is only One God Awareness.

6. Is there a connection between love and inspiration? Who in your lifetime has inspired you the most?

Everything is interconnected through God Awareness. Spirit in Latin is Spiritus from ‘spirare’ to breathe, to blow. To in-spire is to breathe in or blow out Spirit or Infinite Light God Awareness. I studied with many aware teachers over the past 2 ½ decades. My InSpiration comes from within, from a spark of Infinite Light God Awareness, the unconditional love of Soul.

I responded to a survey request from My responses are based on 2 ½ decades of research, study, experiential learning & seeking Inner Truth. Please read with your heart & if IT feels appropriate, share & spark others to positively influence their lives & a New World Age coming toward us.

8. Your Vision: What intrigues you most about this current time period and where the world is headed today?

I am intrigued by our conscious awareness of passing through this Shift of the Ages and our ability to influence a quantum leap in EVOLution - from ordinary to Extraordinary. Jim Self said it clearly, ‘Our Earth Mother is pregnant and Her water broke January 2010.’ I suggest that soon everyone will know this is not a dress rehearsal. The word LOVE spelled backwards in EVOLution is One Big Cosmic Clue.

Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals that leading edge science is shattering untrue myth-perceptions: 1] Newtonian physics 2] genetic control of genes 3] survival of the fittest 4] notion of random EVOLution. Limiting beliefs perceived as truth dis-InPowered us. There is no one to blame. What you dislike allows you to know what you do like. You experience what you are ‘not’ to know what you truly are and why you are really here, which I trust will become ever clearer as you move forward.

As a spark of Infinite Light God Awareness, you are a ‘cell’ in the body of Earth. When you function well so does Earth because all is One. As we heal our inner emotional wounds and bless IT all, we align with ease and flow and our outer landscape mirrors the power of love back to us. As waves of Infinite Light God Awareness flow and uplift our signature energy to the frequency of unconditional love, individually and collectively, the birth of a New Light Age advances. Unconditional love nurtures and influences the least stress.

I perceive miracles in 2010 will validate a major turning point for humanity. Subjective or nonmaterial Infinite Light God Awareness is shining through objective reality with new awareness, for all to choose again from the heart. For those who cling to the old human experience, love them unconditionally. What you judge in others is also in you. Everyone finds their own Inner Truth when they are ready. As Esther Hicks says, ‘Keep your fingers out of other people’s pie’.

Time is collapsing into present moment Soul awareness. This means what you think, say, do and feel, come about faster. Life is God’s dream and we are the dreamers. As a New World Age advances, unconditionally love and bless IT all, for Infinite Light God Awareness to flow and transform the energetic frequency of self influenced pain and suffering into Infinite Light, and for millennia of darkness to return HOME to Infinite Light God Awareness.

Unrelated cultures and researchers tell us that Planet Earth, our Sun and Milky Way Galaxy align on Dec 21, 2012. No one knows precisely when or how the actual Shift or birth will occur. What we do know is that our signature energy influences our outer reality.

Our ancestors left symbolic markers and information for us to smooth transition into a New World Age. Will we learn from anti love choices - ours and those who preceded us? During 4 prior Shifts, people fought and killed one another when supplies were short. These patterns or ‘fractals’ repeat incessantly until a ‘new response’ emerges. I dare say our race is poised to change the course of history and her-story. As a unique ‘cell’ in the body of Mother Earth, are you willing to awaken beyond the dream about what you are not and align within, to allow Infinite Light Soul love to flow easily?

Compassion, unity, collaboration, cooperation and unconditional love, InPower Infinite Light God Awareness, the only true power, to bring us to our true HOME ... Heaven On Mother Earth.

.. . Comment by Ron Alexander
Excellent response, as usual, Doreen. I really like Ernest Holmes, finder of Science of Mind, writings about love:
Love is the Essence of my Being
Let us love not in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. - 1 John 3:18

Since God is love, and God is All-in-All, Love must be the underlying principle of life, and therefore in all. This Life is my life. This Love is me. It is the very essence of my being. Love heals everything, every imperfection of mind or body or environment. Love alone may overcome hatred (Martin Luther King Jr. wrote about this beautifully in Strength to Love), anger, envy and criticism. Where Love is, there is no room for any negative emotion. Love is the Great Adjuster.
I know that Love is harmony, peace and joy. In it all is good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow out into my world of thought and action. I am Love. The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy freedom and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving.

from his "Daily Wisdom"

Doreen commented:

Thank you Ron. It is time to BE unconditional love, the only true power to support and nourish Earth Mother as She births a New World Age.

Ron comments:

Put all your faith in the Love
of God within you; eternal, changeless
and forever unfailing.
This is the answer to whatever
confronts you today.

W, 79 ACIM

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