Saturday, February 27, 2010

Forgiveness Starting with Ourselves

FORGIVENESS & the Oneness Movement Group plus Accepting Myself

"The result of forgiveness is the stopping of the recycling of anger within ourselves and in the world. Peace will come to the world when each of us takes the responsibility of forgiving everyone, including ourselves, completely."

-Gerald Jampolsky
Onenessmovementgroup: (ron)
I miss you'll so much that I returned tonight for a 36 hour visit. I am coming to group with all my luggage, and leaving again for upper state just after group. I will be driving with a big smile on my face. I find joy increasing regularly the more I practice deekshas, meditation, and the ho'oponopono prayer.

Susan replies:
I know how good it feels to mend relationships. According to what we heard in FL. Only as I accept myself as I am, can I accept all others as they are. That's a major teaching for me to put into practice. (I thought I accepted myself!!!) Yes! Yes! - great reflection/experience of our learning! Thank you thank you, we are One in Love. ron

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