Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Eternal One

Within us is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty, the eternal One.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

KeepinthePeace has sent you a message on Architects of a New Dawn

That is absolutely beautiful! This oneness thing that is no matter what we think, is spreading. The oneness, acceptance of us all and what is in any particular moment in time, is taking hold of people's consciousness. Getting past the ego can be difficult sometimes but once we learn to let go and celebrate everyone and everything as part of the whole; it all comes together. That doesn't mean we will like everyone or everything and that's OK. I think it's understanding that everyone and everything has value and is part of the BIG picture, for lack of a better term. I will go to the link you put out and I liked your little phrase before the body of the letter about wholeness. Have a fantastically beautiful day and enjoy the rest of the weekend and the week ahead. Peace and blessings, Hugh

Thank you, Ron. I'm going through a profound change in my personal life, so quite naturally (I think) my body seems to think it's appropriate to be sick. I Love Emerson, but I think he's got things a bit backward here. To say God or The Eternal One (or anything with that meaning) is within us is to miss the point. WE are within God! As one author (whose name I have forgotten) put it, "Do not pray TO God but FROM God." I don't mean this as argument. It's just so vitally important to me that I had to write it. I hope that you will accept it with the same Love and respect with which it is offered. My brother IS myself!
S. B.

Dear S. B., Interestingly, Ernest Holmes, in his Daily Wisdom today, wrote about the same subject.
The Divine Presence within us is both the center & circumference of our real being.
It is the Infinite Presence that inhabits eternity and finds a dwelling place in our own consciousness. We recognize It as the only authority there is. We know that we are one with It and one in It, for there is no separation from It. Our own consciousness is the very depth and height of Its Being and is One with all that It is.
...Each of us is an individual center in it, without being an individual separate from It. We are rooted in the One, which produces limitless variety. Therefore, God is uniquely individual and uniquely personal to each of us.

We are not one in God or one with God, but we are one of God.

Does this not mean the same as "Do not pray TO God but FROM God." ?

On another day in his Daily Wisdom Holmes wrote:
Silently I release every negative thought from my mind. I release it and let it go. And I, too, pray "that they shall be as one; as thou Father are in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us."
Isn't Jesus saying the same thing here - that both is true - "one in me & one in Thee."?

Cindy Paulos replied:God in our Souls or our Souls in God/ Ron alexanders "dialogue":
If we are all One, then God's energy is within us and and throughout the universe as JUST One.
With our Individual perpective we look within and connect with our inner self and God. Until we dissolve into Spirit and Lose Our selves and Merge with God. So yes then all is God..
Which leads to the Emptiness is form and form is emptiness discussion... And then...What if God has a greater Force within Him/Her Self and there is even more Beyond God????

Thanks Cindy, that was a surprise to open up the main page and see my name up there with God's - at least, you used small letter on alexander - that is a good thing! When I posed a "large" question like that to one teacher, he wisely turned it around and said that it was "my ego asking". Well, that was humbling, and having a large "Capt. Ego", it is good for me.
However, I feel satisfied that we are within God, and God is within us. That feels certain to me. The other question to me was "do we pray to God or do we pray from God."? Could that be both too?
no mistake, ron

Reply by Cindy:
What if we pray with God\

Reply by Ron:
Cindy I like that - what a novel concept - "pray with God!" Thanks!

There is one ultimate Thinker, yet this Thinker thinks through all of us. This is why our thoughts are creative. The Universal Mind is incarnated in everyone. Every person has access to It, every person uses It. It, is either in ignorance or in conscious knowledge. The mind of each one of us is the Mind of God functioning at the level of perception of life. Consciously, using It, we bring into our experience today something we did not appear to have yesterday - a better environment, a happier circumstance, more love, more joy.

In such a degree as I know that God in you is the God is in me, I cannot seek to do you ill. It would be unthinkable, because all that I could do would be to hurt myself. When all the nations of the world see God incarnated in one another, then we would have no longer the use of weapons. We must stop believing that God is somewhere apart from us or somewhere apart from from the person or situation that is still in bondage of some kind. We must not be disturbed by the contradiction of objective experience. Rather, we need to know that the truth of God's ever-present
activity in our life is superior to the condition that we want to have changed.

I sense the Eternal Presence within me. Discarding any thoughts and attitudes that
limit my inner awareness of this Presence, I accept the One Life as my life and see all around the expression of love, peace and harmony. I rejoice in the wondrous gifts of an unlimited Universe.
Ernest Holmes

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers & sisters to dwell together in unity. -Psalm 133:1

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