Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anonymous Angelic Support

As you have probably know, I was very ill in Jan. (I (ron) left out details, as my friend wants anonymity.) If my friend had not come in from a business meeting and found me the first time I probably would not be here.

Any way, I wanted to share this experience with you. I have not told any one else. I had finished a 4AM breathing treatment and started feeling very anxious and depressed. I know the meds had something to do with this, but it was different. I journaled some and then started a meditation. I started putting important family, people, and pets, alive and dead, around me--all young and alive and vibrant--just standing there. I had been unable to see my parents as young people when in my conscious state, but they were there and I can still remember them now. Nothing spectacular happened. I just drifted off to sleep and awoke hungry and at peace. I realized then that I had called my angels and they were there. What a confirmation that they are always with me.

(Ron), I am printing this out to take to my Aunt, as a belief in Angels is a way we are joining spiritually. Before Christmas, Aunt Jo did not believe in angels and told me a story about taking some angel figurines off the tombstone of my brother who died of aids (shh, family secret). She went on and told me that she "thought it was a gay thing." Then she told me that she found out that a dear young "developmentally delayed" person had put them on the grave, and was asking his Mom where they were? Obviously, this made my Aunt very sad, and she scrambled around and found one to put back on, but "felt terrible" about it. I asked her why she didn't believe? Then she told me that she would be willing to read Billy Graham's book about angels, so I went out and gave her one for Christmas. Now, she is talking about how accidents helped her from getting hurt in a falling accident. Yea! Glory Be!

Taking Responsibility For Everything
Sounds like she is the Prodigal Aunt. SHE abandoned uyoui emotionally, nopt the opther way around, but I'm so happy for you that all is going so well. L.

thank you, L., I have not thought of it like that, I am just glad she has forgiven me for what she "thought" I did. We are all one anyway, so the Ho'Oponopono prayer for forgiveness does not make a difference. A few months ago, I left this prayer on her message machine: "I am sorry, please forgive me....thank you, I love you!" in gratitude, ron

Angel Wisdom - Sharon Taphorn
TAKE CHARGE "Life's circumstances can be healed with gentle love, yet there is also a need for strength and truthfulness."' It is possible to be both assertive and angelic at the same time. Call upon the Angels for courage and guidance when you need...

Gosh, Sharon, you and your Angels are usually Divinely timed. I wonder why? I find that as I love and appreciate myself more, the more assertive I am for asking for what I want in a gentle manner of course! no mistake, ron…

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