Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Manifesting as Spontaneous Service

WORD FOR THE DAY(gratefulness.org)
Tuesday, Jan. 26

Just as a flower gives out
its fragrance to whomsoever
approaches or uses it,
so love from within us
radiates towards everybody and
manifests as spontaneous service.

Swami Ramdas

God sleeps in stone, breathes in plants, dreams in animals and awakens in man. ~Thomas Lavoie (thanks to Jeanne of Cronetothebone.com)

The ability to sincerely express gratitude is one of the surest signs of having achieved that balance of self confidence, empathy and humility which characterizes some of the noblest and greatest minds of our day.
(thanks to Javier Lopez's Facebook site)

WORD FOR THE DAY (gratefulness.org)

To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe --
to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it,
lungs that breathe it,
organs that draw nourishment from it --
is a wonder beyond words.

Joanna Macy
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