Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hershey Loses Her Puppy Eyes

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Hershey lost her puppy eyes today
Innocent, sweet, pleading, forgiving, wondering, loving
I swore I would keep her alive as long as she had her puppy eyes
The ones that can tell no lies.
I found her with those expressive eyes glazed over today
for the first time. Still warm but rigor mortis was setting in,
she left her body for greener pastures, on her own,
but not without surviving for 18 wonderful years
all with those expressive puppy eyes.
Tears come to mine, as I recall all those
adventures together from California to Carolina.
She will always shine in my heart, all ways
with those precious puppy eyes.

Jeanne has sent you a message on Crone to the Bone

Thanks Ron... as do you.

Your vast experiences inspire me often... and your continuing growth and increasing inner richness keeps you perpetually fresh and interesting.

My Hobbes has been gone now for 7 months... and I still wake up and think of our regular morning places and activities.
And this morning, I thought of Hershey... and then I thought of you... and I remembered how I've been in the past few months without my Hobbes. I've learned so much about myself in his absence. ...with the most glaringly obvious being, that I loved being loved by him

Dear friends, A close friend helped me realize how Hershey was an angel to me. My friend helped me realize that she stayed around for an extra couple of years, as I was going through a divorce and at the same time was estranged from my family. She observed me reconcile with my Aunt and her 3 dogs plus nephew Barry's dog, just in last few weeks, and decided she (Hershey) could leave, as I was not so isolated anymore. thanks for your compassionate support, ron

Reply by Arieljoy - see her piece about animals as angels below:
What a beautiful tribute to Hershey. My heart goes out to you. I have burried far too many four legged friends with puppy eyes and I know the depth of my pain so I can imagine the depth of your's.

But on the other hand I am sooooo happy that the two of you shared 18 years worth of wonderful adventures that will fill your heart forever. And she loved you so much that she saved you from having to make the most difficult choice in the world.

In grief too, we are all related.

Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin,


Thanks Arieljoy, I buried her in the families beautiful pet cemetery with a river stone (near the Savanna River/Lake Hartwell) as a marker. There is a statue of St. Francis overlooking and planted flowers on her grave. lotsaappreciation, ron

St. Francis (the patron saint of animals) Prayer: (from memory)
Dear Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is sadness, joy.
Where there is injury, pardon.

O, Divine One, help me to console rather than be consoled
To forgive rather than be forgiven.
To understand, rather than be understood.
For it is in giving , that we receive, and
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
it is in dying to the self, that we are born to eternal Life.

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