Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Love is the Greatest Force in the World

Love is the greatest force on earth. It is yours to use
everyday, if you so choose.

Today's Positive Thought

You have two basic choices in life; love or fear.
Choose love.

Today's Positive Affirmation

I AM love and I express love in every thought,
word, and deed.

Today's Positive Visualization

As I take a slow and even breath, I allow myself to sense
a spring of love bubbling up from my center. I imagine this
love flowing throughout my body, mind, and emotions, healing
and transforming every part of my life. In my mind's eye
I see the love within me connecting to the love that is
flowing throughout the world. I affirm that in this
love there is nothing to fear. I trust that this Universal
Source of love will protect and care for me at all times.
I imagine myself going throughout my day sending and
receiving love everywhere I go. In this love, I become a
magnet for all the good things I deserve in life. I combine
these images with the feelings of joy and let them go,
knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing
and thinking.

Have a wonderful week~end~Love Teri (Theresa F Koch)

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