Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Healing Family Forgiveness

Dear friends,

Yes, there is SOMETHING in the air and thanks to Love, it is not "things"! The best and most beautiful things are not things.

My Aunt who is last Matriarch in our family is now asking me for support after a lot of bad feelings last year as my Mom was dying (Dec. 24), and afterwards when my troubled nephew received most of the inheritance. Aunt Jo chose to separate Barry and I by taking him in at his insistence. Also, there was a "counselor", formerly a friend of mine, who backed Aunt Jo on her decision to divide us.

I was his caregiver before Mom's hospitalization. He is a master splitter and managed to help scapegoat me away from my Aunt (and my Mother previously, although I was not cognizant of it.)

Anyway, Barry is now in treatment. And Aunt Jo finally realizes that she cannot caregive for him , and I am gratefully supporting both of them. I have a new part-time job at the Greenville Art Museum, so I can be more available. I will still be spending about 1/3 of my time at the beach.

This healing/forgiving/reconciling with her is wonderful, as she was like a "Auntie Mame" to me growing up, and she and I will work together to help Barry get his life back together! Please pray for us!

Have Joyous Holy Days and a peaceful loving New Year! God is LOVE, ron

Actually one download below that is antique merrygoround (still working) in Monterey!

Here is a special verse for Barry: (and an affirmation)
"This God-his way is perfect;
The promise of the Lord proves true;
he is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
2 Samuel 22:31

I see you, Barry, as an expression of perfect life that provides healing energy for body, mind and soul.
You, Barry, are open and receptive to the wisdom of God within, which whispers the answer to every question and provides supply for every need.
This is true for Barry and me, and about every being on earth.

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