Tuesday, November 3, 2009

An Exchange of Dialogues about the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love

I contacted His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His age & health conditions preclude his availability for an interview.
Ah, that is too bad and very sad!

My guest 11.11.09 is a brilliant physicist, Peter Russell who authored 'From Science to God' which I read. Peter was supervised for a while by Stephen Hawking at Cambridge U.K.
Yes, I met Peter when he was living on a sailboat in Sausalito about 15 years ago. I have read some of his articles, and will now have to get his book. Indeed, he his brilliant. You can tell him I met him with my sweetheart of the time, Terri Glass, the poet.

Unsure when I will find time to read the Dalai Lama's book, however I am keen to read it.
Amazing, how well schooled he is in Science, and of course, spirituality. One reason to be thankful for the Chinese - their taking over Tibet, let to The Dalia Lama becoming a "world citizen" (Which he calls himself).

Be well,
Thank you, dear Doreen, I am still pondering co-writing a book - something about the energy of an unconditional love that would include a scientific study of that Divine Energy. It would be an exchange of dialogues. I will have a lot of free time after this weekend. I am going to UNC Asheville to study the science behind Vipassana Meditation with Dr. Paul Friedman, who is a Vipassana Teacher and a psychiatrist:
"In November, Dr. Paul R. Fleischman M.D., psychiatrist, author, and Vipassana Meditation Teacher under the guidance of S.N. Goenka, will be in ASHEVILLE, ATLANTA, CHAPEL HILL, and SAVANNAH to share talks on The Scientific World-View and Vipassana Meditation and will conduct a number of group sittings. The lectures are free and open to the public. The group sittings are open to Old Students. An Old Student is one who has completed at least one 10-day meditation course with S.N Goenka or his assistant teachers. Please bring your cushions."

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