Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We are all innocent, loving the best we can.

Thank you, Linda for bringing back this dialogue ("Narcissism or Self - love?). I have returned to my mantra: "Everyone (including ourselves) is innocent and loving the best they can" after re-reading all of the wisdom in your and the other replies plus some positive dialogue with my nephew (facing up to 30 years in jail); Also, when I use the Ho'Oponopono "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you. I love you" - it starts with me and I send it outwards to those I have judged (like Mom, most recently).

Thought of the Day by Story Waters, 10/26/09

Love is freedom. It is the foundation upon which you create. Unconditional love can only birth through loving your Self for you cannot love anyone more than you unconditionally love yourself. All love you give to others that you do not give to yourself is conditional love as it represents a separation rather than unification between you. Loving without condition connects the fabric of reality.
hi ron,
thanks for your alert that you'll copy the "thought of the day by Story Waters" - i'm happy you did and also glad you kept the mention of the author of this great snippet - it's so true in my experience and yet so hard to come by -

one person had asked Story, why she could feel unconditional love for her son and not for herself and Story answered the following:

Story Waters:
Perhaps he is a mirror of what is possible, a mirror of what can birth from within you, so your love for him is a mirror of your potential to directly love your Self. Children are incredible mirrors of the love that has always been within you, waiting to be birthed. May you discover the love for your children in the mirror of your Self. xxx

i found that to explain beautifully why we sometimes can't give ourselves that unconditional love yet, but do feel it for our loved ones (mainly our children i think).

the never ending topic love
- and when are we comprehending, integrating and living that we ARE love already ?.... claudia

Here is a reply to a friend who has recently become enamored with The Koran -
"Tear out those pages", the advice that Bill Thetford used to tell us when studying A Course in Miracles
in the mid- 80's. This scribe (Helen was the channel) of this tome was describing the dualistic (ego-bashing part of ACIM)
What I look for in all religions and spiritual pursuits is their essence. If their essence is Love and the belief that God is love and that there is no seperation, no duality in their teaching, then I will study further. The Bible, the Koran, A Course in Miracles all have this essence yet they also have parts with much duality - God and Satan or God and Ego, etc. So if in the end they do not teach that we are all innocent and loving the best we can, I lose interest. For that matter, I am not interested in the Old Testament with it's condemning "God". or the first half of A Course in Miracles which tells us how bad our ego is....then both have their wonderful love chapters like Jesus taught and the ACIM finally tells us our "essence is Love, that we are wholly loveable and wholly loving!" I don't know enough about the Koran, but would discard any seperation/duality thoughts that are written there and go for its Love Essence - the Truth!

One Love, ron

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