Thursday, October 15, 2009

Embracing The Divine Masculine

Embracing the Divine Masculine

.Life is a beautiful interplay of imagination and manifestation. Known in other ways as feeling and thought, feminine and masculine, yin yang, each requires and adds to the other. In an amazing dance that allows us to create and recreate our world, these energies continuously merge into each other to form a union that brings wholeness to our expression. Inspiration held with determination is what creates our physical experience and when this process is conscious and balanced, great manifestations result that benefit all.

Identified simply as our feminine and masculine aspects, these forces combine to make up our innate creative potential. Although often exemplified by our gender, we must take care not to confuse this strictly with being male or female. Both of these potent energies are a natural part of each of us and provide the very mechanism for our ability to exist. They are our right and left brain functioning as one, with love and logic in perfect harmony.

For millennia, cultures have held a fundamental focus and tendency towards the masculine aspect having dominion, where physical manifestation is at the cost of suppressing our intuitive, holistic, and imaginative, feminine energy. This ongoing and increasing imbalance has formed a great rift from our once splendid ability to create with wisdom, universal vision and magnificence.

Thus we find many men using their will to make things materialize regardless of cost to the whole, while subordinating their feminine equal into roles that ignore and trivialize the nurturing and imaginative aspects so vital to life. Likewise, many women deny their ability to fully realize their creations in manifest form and perpetuate the dilemma of subservience to male domination.

In recent times, we have born witness to a re-awakening of the feminine energy. For many females, this has been a necessary reclaiming of their “goddess” energy or divine feminine, which in reality is their embracing the fullness of both aspects essential to manifest, including the masculine will. In men, however, we often find confusion and frustration as this loving energy begins to percolate throughout their existence. They are beginning to feel once again, and yet with so few examples as to what this means, there is a tendency to remain in the only perspective they have known for so long.

Life always seeks balance. With an increasing awareness of cause and effect, we are quickly seeing that what happens in one part of the world instantly affects the whole just as our thoughts and feelings work together in our personal experience. We are coming to realize that it is up to each of us to embrace our true creative potential and ensure that we balance the feminine with the masculine. Nowhere is this more evident than with the men who have been constantly using their unbridled will without regard to consequences.

It is time for the divine masculine to emerge through love. What does this mean? It is a wakeup call for each to embody their highest potential of masculine energy. Rather than perpetuating an imbalanced approach to creation that ultimately leads to destruction and chaos, it is our distinct opportunity to embrace and express our integrity, honesty, dignity and compassion. It is allowing the rising feminine energy to blend with our masculine to make enlightened and loving choices. By consciously acknowledging and incorporating our imagination, intuition and feelings, with courage, strength, and an open heart, we birth a new world where love, wisdom and power are always in balance.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
President and Founder
The Love Foundation, Inc.

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