Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Think Only Love - See Only Love - Be Only Love

I would like to share that I am being reminded at this time that we don’t have to beware or be wary, there is nothing to be afraid of... There is nothing that exists which is outside ourselves.x..

Time does not exist… We are here in this new space now, creating it moment by moment & I am in true celebration of it.x..

It is time to be ‘not afraid’ & it’s time to trust, it’s time to love & remember, we are loved & It’s our birth-right!!

We are all one & we are connected to everything, no spaces, lines or gaps...
The universe is one loving being, one spirit, moving through one consciousness.x..

We create through thoughts, feelings, wishes, dreams...
Lack, need, can’t do, Have to heal will just end.
Negativity will be just a memory.x..

Polarity is fading away, in order for us to exist.x..

We are here to appreciate the difference between where our attention is and what our intention is.x..
The heart always knows & will never create anything that it detrimental to anything else, because the heart knows that We Are One.x..

When we judge, we judge ourselves & when we are in our brain, judgment in the world of illusion is futile... When we are in our heart, we are in a sacred space & intention is everything.x..

In L♥Ve, LiGhT, InSpiRaTiOn & J♥Y!!
Cindy x

ps.x.. I love you, because I love me & that is all there is.x..

Wow, Cindy - just what I needed to hear today, thanks, One Love,


"Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself).

Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways.

See yourself, others, and every situation through our hearts. When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. It's like turning on a light to diminish the previous darkness. Call upon the Angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point.

Look past the personalities and egos of others, ans see the Angel within them. We can help you with this if it seems difficult at first. Forgive. Release anger, hurt or judgments to the Angels. Affirm what you desire, instead of what you fear.

Affirm often: "I unconditional accept all things, regardless of how they appear."

See only Love, as we see you, Love your Angels

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