Saturday, August 8, 2009

Current Check - in (Aug. 8. 3009) - "Love Never Faileth"

how's life dear?? I have recently returned from a silent Ten Day silent Vipassana meditation course which has transformed my life. I saw a documentary called "The Dhamma Brothers" (please google it) about teacher going in to the worst Alabama prison with the same course, and it transformed these convicted murderers. And since my nephew has spent time and probably much more now (drunk driving - ran from police - drove into a police car and injured the officer - just last Tues., so he faces serious time hopefully, as he has been a danger to himself and others for a few years now. So I may take this film to South Carolina prisons? Barry was fine under my tough love, but regressed when he inherited most of my Mom's stuff, and left my care, since I lost economic power over him. But that has turned out alright, I have reframed my paucity of inheritance to a Divine Inheritance. I have a bumper sticker that says "The best things in life are not things." and we know "the best things in life are free"

"Love Never Faileth"

Saturday, Aug. 8 (

An act of love that fails
is just as much a part
of the divine life as
an act of love that succeeds,
for love is measured by its
own fullness,
not by its reception.

Harold Loukes

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