Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Seven Steps to In & Out Loving Kindness

Choosing to Take Responsibility for Seeing, Having & Being Love

1. The Power of Choice: The Power of Change,
A Mantra of Change
(L. Zimmerman - copyright 2007)

I choose not to see the un-love.
I choose instead to see the love.
I am your mirror and what I choose to see in you
will be reflected back to you.
I have the power to choose and I choose to see the truth of you.
I choose to see the love of you.

I choose not to see the darkness.
I choose instead to see the light.
I am your mirror and what I choose to see
will be reflected back to you.
I have the power to choose and I choose to see
the light of you.

I choose to see the wisdom you've gained
through the pain you've experienced.
I am your mirror and what I choose to see in you
is that you are stronger than which you've experienced
I have the power to choose to see beyond the suffering.
I pray that the strength I see in you is reflected back to you.

I choose to see the freedom that is your soul
I acknowledge the apparent limitations in which you live
but I see you with the wings of soul and freedom
and the power to soar beyond life's margins.
I have the power to choose what I see in you
and the soul of you is what I choose to reflect back to you.

2. Ho'Oponopono - taking responsibility (from
Karen of Gratitude Power left me this message, when I asked her if I could use Ho'Oponopono on someone who I thought betrayed me?
Hi Ron,
With Ho'Oponopono you take responsibility for the situation whether you felt you caused it or not. Dr. Hew Len explained in his book that total responsibility for life means everything in your life--simply because it is in your life..
If you take responsibility for your life, everything you see, hear, taste, touch or in anyway experience, is your responsibility because it's your life. ( I had to sit with that for awhile, but eventually it made sense)

It's always about the "Self"--when you cleanse the self with I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you--it's not about the other person at all--i'ts between you and the divine. When Dr. Hew Len cured a hospital of patients, he never met any of them--but the case came into his life experience and he took responsibility for the experience by cleansing himself with Ho' Oponopono.

All of your experiences live within you--when you shift within, everything automatically shifts around you. One thing that I've tried in relationships is to just think of the person and say to yourself "I love you" over and over again. I find that softens the tension and energy around the situation. In the meantime Ho'Oponpono is always--I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you--- it's about you---"peace begins with me"
Love and Gratitude
Gratitude Power

SpiritWalker replied to Ron Alexander's discussion 'Ho'oponopono - Anyone?' in the group The Conscious Kindness Movement
I have started using Ho'oponopono during meditation and in times of stress. It is amazing how it helps to calm and soothe. Just great! Thank you Ron, for posting and being so giving. Love, RC

Reply by Josephine
Mr. Ron Alexander, I agree with you. All situations in life are our creations. We attract things, situations etc. because we have it in our consciousness. Like attracts like. Thoughts are things. We are our own thoughts. Nobody to blame. The Kingdom of Good is within you. The Kingdom of Good is your thought, when you think, when you make a decision.
3. SEE ONLY LOVE (Sharon and her angel card on

"Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself).

Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways.

See yourself, others, and every situation through our hearts. When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. It's like turning on a light to diminish the previous darkness. Call upon the Angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point.

Look past the personalities and egos of others, ans see the Angel within them. We can help you with this if it seems difficult at first. Forgive. Release anger, hurt or judgments to the Angels. Affirm what you desire, instead of what you fear.

Affirm often: "I unconditional accept all things, regardless of how they appear."

See only Love, as we see you, Love your Angels

4. Think Only Love - Be Only Love (Cindy on
I would like to share that I am being reminded at this time that we don’t have to beware or be wary, there is nothing to be afraid of... There is nothing that exists which is outside ourselves.x..

Time does not exist… We are here in this new space now, creating it moment by moment & I am in true celebration of it.x..

It is time to be ‘not afraid’ & it’s time to trust, it’s time to love & remember, we are loved & It’s our birth-right!!

We are all one & we are connected to everything, no spaces, lines or gaps...
The universe is one loving being, one spirit, moving through one consciousness.x..

We create through thoughts, feelings, wishes, dreams...
Lack, need, can’t do, Have to heal will just end.
Negativity will be just a memory.x..

Polarity is fading away, in order for us to exist.x..

We are here to appreciate the difference between where our attention is and what our intention is.x..
The heart always knows & will never create anything that it detrimental to anything else, because the heart knows that We Are One.x..

When we judge, we judge ourselves & when we are in our brain, judgment in the world of illusion is futile... When we are in our heart, we are in a sacred space & intention is everything.x..

In L♥Ve, LiGhT, InSpiRaTiOn & J♥Y!!
Cindy x

ps.x.. I love you, because I love me & that is all there is.x..

5. Love all that has been created by God,
both the whole and every grain of sand.
Love every leaf and every ray of light.
Love the beasts and the birds, love the plants,
love every separate fragment.
If you love each separate fragment,
you will understand the mystery
of the whole resting in God.
fe's margins.

6.Now that you have taken responsibility for Love - remember:

Love Never Faileth"

An act of love that fails
is just as much a part
of the divine life as
an act of love that succeeds,
for love is measured by its
own fullness,
not by its reception. Harold Loukes

7. Everything you teach you are learning.
Teach only love, and learn that
love is yours, and you are love
. ACIM T, 92

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