Monday, June 29, 2009

A Vivid Description of Unconditional Love

The following quote is from Angel Miracles (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help)
by Brad & Sherry Steiger.(p. 63-64)

The light within, around, or generated by the Benevolent Being became even brighter
as he spoke. You are loved unconditionally,' he said. 'The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'

Marissa said that the Light Being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution could occur.

'At this point,' Marissa said, 'the light coming from the Celestial Being went through me, and
I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life. It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'

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