Friday, June 5, 2009

Sailing Through the Stars

Sailing Through the Stars
Ron Alexander
Have you ever wondered what a blissful timeless state would feel like? One time in my career as a sailboat captain, myself & a first mate were blessed to experience just that.
We had a destination to our home base – a Marine Science field station in the Bahamas. With only 30 miles to go, there was no hurry. A good thing, as there was a very light wind. Also, there was a flat sea, no moon and clouds, so the stars really appeared to be just overhead. Added to that was a lot of phosphorescence in the water. This was caused by bioluminescence, sea organisms lit by the same chemicals that cause fireflies to glow.
If you look really closely at stars away from city lights, they are many colors – mostly white but also orange, red, yellow, & even blue stars. The bioluminescent also was many different colors. Colorful stars above and below.
Imagine with the sails whispering the wind and the bow barely disturbing the water, it felt like we were flying through the magnificent cosmos. We did not want that night to end.

reply by Greg Roach That's a nice piece Ron - and it perfectly captures that wonderful melding of inner/outer - Atman/Brahman - that deep meditation brings. On the Short Stories/ Poetry group I wrote a story called Sailing Through the Stars. There I started off with "Have you ever experienced a feeling of blissful timelessness." I forgot to mention that is what I feel after some meditations, a few of which like that night of sailing, I don't want to end.
The editor of the periodical that I wrote it for, asked me to change the title to:
"A Feeling of Oneness: Sailing Through the Stars."
If you would like to click on the second draft (without the title change) here it is:
(I hope?)(The link called "group" worked thank goodness.)
group writes:
Ron: Now you're making me yearn for the sea again. I've seen that many times in the Navy, but never from a sailboat. It sounds wonderful.
I read your letter to the Sun News a while ago- good writing and spot on information.
Jeff Kovite
Thanks Jeff - great to get positive feedback from the new President of our chapter, congrats, Ron

It was written for the Unity newsletter, here is what title minister suggested which, of course, I acquiesced to:
"An Experience of Oneness: Sailing Through the Stars"
lotsaappreciation, Ron

Your story that you shared with us all is just so amazing. I love to watch the stars as well, each time they are visible I just look upon and create the feeling of the connection. I do know the timeless feeling too, at first it was appearing for some periods of time but now I feel like this all the time. Like the time does not exist at all, guess I've got used to feel this way. Sometimes it seams to be strange, as there is no difference if it is the day or night. Yes, but to feel the full power of the nature and limitless connection with everything like you described in your story - that is remarkable! Thank you so much. Silja

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