Sunday, June 14, 2009


These "replys" are on the Conscious Kindness group of the magnificent website:
#1 is a reply from a "Discussion Forum" about "Beautiful People" and # 2 is a reply about one called "What is Real Privilege?"

1. Reply by Walter Heath

I was the guest speaker at a Baha'i Devotional/Worship service. I did a musical presentation which culminated in declaring that small acts of service to others bring joy and unity to the world; that work done in the spirit of service to humanity is worshipping God; that there is only one race, the human race.

#2 Reply by Walter Heath
We all have the glorious privilege to promote and work to establixh the oneness of mankind.

Reply by Ron Alexander
Thank you, Walter!
Baha'i Writings -- Be As One Spirit
(from Ron's friend, Sally - a brilliant artist & poet and a Baha'i)

Let your hearts reflect the glories of the Sun of Truth
in their many colors to gladden the eye of the divine
Cultivator Who has nourished them.
Day by day become more closely attracted
in order that the love of God may illumine all those
with whom you come in contact.
Be as one spirit, one soul, leaves of one tree,
flowers of one garden, waves of one ocean

Joy is the realization of oneness, the oneness of our soul with the supreme love. Tagore

Be as one, as my father and I are one. Jesus

Committed to this "glorious privilege" of establishing the oneness of humankind. ron

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