Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hi my dear friend Ron,
"There is a lot of time" "You have plenty of time"
These are words which I recently heard in a seminar on consciousness given by Victor Truviano from Argentina.
They really struck a deep chord with me and allowed me at that moment to experience the now. And now if I remember to (the hard part) remind myself that there is plenty of time, I can return at will to that feeling of timelessness and peace.
with Love, Sandra

Hi Sandra, I really enjoy reading things about the present of the now - the gift of living in the moment. Here are some other worthwhile quotes concerning now:

The bible has "now" over 1400 times - including "Now, we live in the kingdom of heaven."

Thursday, Jun. 11 (

Today is only a small manageable segment of time in which our difficulties need not overwhelm us. This lifts from our hearts and minds the heavy weight of both past and future.

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon


The Only Moment We Can be Alive

I have arrived, I am home
In the here, In the now
I am solid, I am free
In the ultimate, I dwell

Living in the now is the closest we can come to experiencing eternity.

thanks for the present, your friend, Ron

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