Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Candice Wilmore's interview w/ her teacher

Her teacher is Prem Rawat - formerly the young "MaharajI"

Q: How does one best prepare for receiving Self-Knowledge?

PR: Become simple. Become who you are. Don’t come with your curiosity. Just say, “Here’s something that has something to do with me. It is already within me.” Start accepting that life is a gift. Start accepting that every breath does hold a tremendous amount of joy. Feel it. Once you begin to feel, you’re well on your way to preparing yourself to receive Self-Knowledge.

Q: Does Self-Knowledge require an effort?

PR: It does. To say: “Yes, I take the responsibility for this breath. I take the responsibility for enjoying every single breath,” takes an effort. That effort is sometimes more challenging than climbing Mt. Everest or trying to find the lowest point on the ocean floor or the furthest point in outer space. It’s a challenge. And it’s wonderful.

Q: I realize that people are different, but how long does it usually take people to prepare to receive Self Knowledge?

PR: Everyone has their own journey. It is in your time that, like a fruit, you will ripen. It is in your time, like a seed, you will sprout. It is about you. This is your journey. There have been some who have known right away: “This is what I'm looking for.” And I know of one person who came a long time ago to hear what I had to say. It didn't impress him too much, and he went on his way. Then recently, one of my videos was playing on a cable channel he was watching, and he said, “I know this man.” He listened again to what I had to say, and this time he wanted to pursue it.
Everyone has their own journey. I push no one. I'd rather have everyone proceed at their own pace and enjoy the process of discovery.

Dear Candice, I went back and read some of your "discussion" posts, and I was impressed - you do have a lot of answers and an awesome teacher, in addition. in gratitude, ron

I do have an amazing teacher. That's how I'm able to write what I do. I needed help to know and feel what's possible as human being and to say Prem (Maharaji) had little to do with it would just not be true. It's like seeing a great movie but never telling your friends, you know?

You clearly have such a true and deep desire. I'd recommend listening more to what Maharaji says he offers on series called The Keys. Great video called Introduction to the Keys at link below:


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