Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who or What Inspires You to Have Unconditional Love?

Who or what inspires u to feel unconditional love?
Posted by Linda Lawson on April 22, 2009 at 9:55am in Return to Love
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In a simple, ordinary , straight from the heart way, my dog Ruby, shows me how to hold unconditional love, not as an after thought rather as my first nature. She places no demands or expectations on me that I must meet in order to experience this union of hearts with her. Its there like air to enjoy, to remind me to pass it on..

Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Ron Alexander 28 minutes ago

Great, Linda! Yes, my two wonderful dogs for the last 25 years - Honey and now 17 year old Hershey (who I rescued from a flood in California about 15 years ago) have been Onederful givers of unconditional love to me.

However, I want to share a post from the Meditation site, where Silja reminds us of remembering our purpose of meditating:Comment by Silja Saareoks:
To Be Blessed With Unconditional Love (Ron's title)

Here's one meditation I'd like to share with you all. I started with just letting pass the pictures and memories that are coming when entering the meditation. There's no use for fighting with them, as it is always something that needs to be worked with. In a few minutes they just stop coming, when not fighting with them and neither giving them any concentration of the energy. Then I started breathing through the chakra channel until all the blocking opens and until feeling the warmth and until the breathing goes through without any stopping. To be noticed, it should be much more than imagining just the human body, it should eventually reach also the center of the earth and to be sent up to the whole cosmos. When doing it, we should involve the feeling of unconditional love.Then imagine the light rays coming out from our heart center. Who has done the meditation with the colored lights before, or the meditation for the Sun, it should be quite easy to imagine. Just put all the colors of light into the one light ray, imagining the whole spectrum of the colors or the rainbow colors in the way they move from one to another. It should be done until the total feeling of the light rays spreading out to all over. But also keeping all those mentioned before, the breathing and the cosmical connection, just adding the light body. Then I also added the sending healing sound up, not literally by singing it, but imagining it through the meditation. (Using the voice to open the energy system gives the immense effect to inner improvement. When practiced a lot, it can be easily recalled the imagination and feeling of doing it when meditating.) Now just using all those mentioned before together it really gets to so deep meditative state, that it just can't be described in a words. Just the five minutes in it can give so much.*It is not meant to be like some instruction to fallow, it is rather a suggestion to combine the different methods, that you've already used and practice before to make it even more powerful and for finding new in each time we meditate. What I really liked when reading the internet pages Joel mentioned before, was the dragging attention to purpose of the meditation. To understand and to feel what we're doing it for. To Be blessed with unconditional love.

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