Friday, May 8, 2009

Celebrating Ourselves One Conscious Breath at a Time

Comment by desmond green 1 day ago
What a joy to be in this truly sacred conscious community of awakened loving lights. It adds spiritual stamina and bliss to our here and now experiences of ourselves and one another.Eye just love us with all of my heart. Yes Ron, Silja, and all of our awesome community. We are love incarnate and revealed.Desmond
Comment by Ron Alexander 1 day ago
Wow, Silja, Just ditto with Desmond's beautiful admiring words below.I just saw an amazing film today about Vipassana Meditation being taught in a prison in Alabama no less. It is call The Dhamma Brothers. They worked with hardened lifers mostly in for murder. After a ten day silent meditation retreat, these guys went through an amazing transformation. They continued a meditation group afterwards but had to shut it down (2002) because of a Christian chaplain, but continued the group under another name and with a new chaplain and warden, the teachers came in for another ten day retreat in 2006 and the group is flourishing, And the teachers were able to go into another prison in Alabama.As a result of watching this film, I wish all prisons would incorporate it, and I will probably refresh & restart my Vipassana Meditation!

Thank you Silja for your truly wonderful meditation experiences. It is so really glorious that as you surrendered to your breath completely you also found your wholeness. It is also so comforting to understand that by wrapping your consciousness around your breath you experience your own bliss so fully. Our joy is in our practice and as we do it we are awakening from within to all that is appearing to be without. We are truly the new earth and energies rediscovering how to celebrate our divine human potentials.Thank you for yourself and all of the love that we are all contributing to one another. We are indeed the way that life is intending to manifest as all of humanity.Lots of love and joy.

Comment by Silja Saareoks 9 hours ago To Be Blessed With Unconditional Love

Here's one meditation I'd like to share with you all.I started with just letting pass the pictures and memories that are coming when entering the meditation. There's no use for fighting with them, as it is always something that needs to be worked with. In a few minutes they just stop coming, when not fighting with them and neither giving them any concentration of the energy.Then I started breathing through the chakra channel until all the blocking opens and until feeling the warmth and until the breathing goes through without any stopping. To be noticed, it should be much more than imagining just the human body, it should eventually reach also the center of the earth and to be sent up to the whole cosmos. When doing it, we should involve the feeling of unconditional love.Then imagine the light rays coming out from our heart center. Who has done the meditation with the colored lights before, or the meditation for the Sun, it should be quite easy to imagine. Just put all the colors of light into the one light ray, imagining the whole spectrum of the colors or the rainbow colors in the way they move from one to another. It should be done until the total feeling of the light rays spreading out to all over. But also keeping all those mentioned before, the breathing and the cosmical connection, just adding the light body. Then I also added the sending healing sound up, not literally by singing it, but imagining it through the meditation. (Using the voice to open the energy system gives the immense effect to inner improvement. When practiced a lot, it can be easily recalled the imagination and feeling of doing it when meditating.)Now just using all those mentioned before together it really gets to so deep meditative state, that it just can't be described in a words. Just the five minutes in it can give so much.*It is not meant to be like some instruction to fallow, it is rather a suggestion to combine the different methods, that you've already used and practice before to make it even more powerful and for finding new in each time we meditate. What I really liked when reading the internet pages Joel mentioned before, was the dragging attention to purpose of the meditation. To understand and to feel what we're doing it for. To Be blessed with unconditional love.

Comment by desmond green
We have now completed the circle of unconditional self and life acceptance. It is a great and grand time for us. We the architects of the new dawn are truly awakened to our divine human status. This is a joy of limitless potentials and abundant bliss. As we celebrate ourselves one conscious deep breath at a time we are also setting that irreversible vibration of world joy and happiness into multiple motions.This is so much fun. Let us just keep doing it because it is by paying attention to our breath and breathing one conscious deep breath at a time, that we fully guarantee our well being and ensure our constant overflowing love.Desmond
Comment by Ron Alexander 19 hours ago
I am sending information for the powerful Ananda Mandala Guided Meditation, that I mentioned before - Kosmic music from India which can be seen at Om shanti, Ron (Divikar is my Sanskrit name)
Comment by Ron Alexander 1 day ago
I have just returned from a sound healing/meditation with crystal bowl, and voice, which has been powerful for me. The leader was sore from working in yard for last few days, so we all got her in the middle at the end, and with hands on,we sang her name and added a verse, "Olivia, you lift us higher!"It was so satisfying to watch her go to glowing as we were singing touching her.We were truly joined in oneness!Desmond, like some others in this group, your words are "sweet as honeycomb, soothing to the soul, and healing to the bone." loving gratitude, Ron

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