Friday, May 1, 2009

The Angels are Waiting for Us Now

This excellent thesis on angels is extracted from Marianne Williamson's 2nd chp. in EVERYDAY GRACE.

"Four corners round my bed'
four angels round my head.
One to watch, two to pray, and
one to chase bad things away."
It took me forty years to understand what a prayer like this is really saying.
Angels are thoughts of God, and to ask for angels to gather near is to ask for God's thoughts to overshadow our own. To pray to an angel is to look to a level of pure thinking, divine thinking, and to ask that it replace our thoughts of fear.
"One to watch": May the Spirit of love tend my thoughts, guarding the holiness that alone should remain on the altar of my mind.
"Two to pray": May I remain inconscious contact with God, ever alert to the miracles in my midst.
"One to chase bad things away": May God's Spirit cast out of my thoughts, and my world, the things that are not of love.
When we pray to something higher than ourselves, we are not praying to something outside of ourselves. Angels do not live "somewhere else"- ultimately we realize there is nowhere else - but simply in another realm of perception. They live within us as latent energies of divine power potential but not yet actualized within most of humanity. In summoning angels, we're responding to the evolutionary lure of the angelic state. We are recognizing angels as spiritual mentors who can lift our thoughts to the heights of truth. And as we rise to meet them, we will ultimately become them.
Angel wings are higher thought forms through which we transcend limitations, flying above the earthly fears that would otherwise hold us down.
The "flight" (Ron's word) to transcendent sensibility is neither even nor easy at times, but the difficulty of the journey sometimes turns out to be its blessing.
Indeed, there are ways in which the pain we suffered yesterday increases our power to work miracles today. For challenges teach us humility and faith. Having experienced the pain of a broken wing, and having been healed by the mysterious mercy of God, we then fly again with distinctive grace.
When we choose not to be an angel, the angels in our midst depart. People will tend to be to us what we have decided to be to them. Yet it can be difficult to shine on others when we do not honestly feel that there is a light within us. There is a light within us because God put it there.
Again, Ron's word, the light within us contains our angels, or conversely do the angels contain our light? Whichever, that is why "we must take ourselves lightly" so we can fly above any earthly self-imposed limitations.
Are we not being called by history to become the greatness that lies within us (our lightness -angels- of being). What happens to this earth now is up to us. We can remain who we are and sink further into the troubled world we have already made, or we can allow our hearts to crack open like cosmic eggs, out of which will emerge transformed creatures - our own true selves (our inner angels).
Look at it closely, in yourself and others, and tell me that creature does not have wings.

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