Monday, April 20, 2009

The Realization of Oneness

The Realization of Oneness Lifts Us to Heaven on Earth

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a who realizes this goes forth with joy, sells all of their things, and buyeth the field. Matthew 13:44

Because I am One with God, I am One with all people.
Because I am One with Life, I am One with everything that lives.
I feel my union with people and with nature.
I feel that I belong to Life.

I love life and I enter into the joy of living. I enter into the companionship with others, into cooperation with them. And I know that something within me reaches out and embraces the whole world. Something with me blesses everything it touches, brings life and happiness and joy to everyone. Something within me acts as a healing balm, restoring everything to its natural and fruitive Perfection.

As I silently listen to Spirit within me and think of Its Perfection, I know that I am being born into joy and hope and gladness, born into love and faith and assurance.

Silently I release every negative thought from my mind, I release it and let it go. And I, too. pray "that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us."
Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (all above)

Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love. Tagore

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