Friday, April 17, 2009

Loving All of You

My favorite Rumi Poem:

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you outfor some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet
them at the door laughing,and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,because each has
been sent as a guide from beyond
(translated by Coleman Barks)

How do you express unconditional love for yourself?

Hmmm. They say every question that arises within us , has an answer within us as well and surfaces when we are ready to learn its message. Let 's see what I am ready to integrate.(At the suggestion of another, I have adjusted the discussion question to include the word "unconditional". Unconditional is defined as "' love that presupposes no conditions upon willingness to love regardless of how self or other responds because there is no expectation of return of that love.)Uncondtionally loving self shows up when I can hold a space of non judgement that I can draw upon when I've stepped out of my roles , taken off the masks that I or other expect me to wear, stepped back from all the responsiblities.,the shoulds, the coulds. Its just me standing alonein the truth of the moment. This is what I am . Just me. Just me. checking out what I truly feel in this moment about some aspect of my walk on planet earth.. How am I doing? Do I accept who I am? Are there any ..".but u are like this" and "if u do this , I can accept u ", or "when u are this way I can accept u, u will be okay."I have witnessed how much discipline it takes, how much will it takes to to be in acceptance of self and other no matter what. It is not such a generous quality in this 3rd dimension of being and doing.It is acknowledging and giving audience to what matters in one's life. .. the heart is the door , the gateway to full self acceptance.there is no measuring or comparing.One's first response from this seat of compassion is to love all that is. How would it be to be like that in all moments. ?Our choices determine how our lives will go. Yes there are consequences. Would we learn which direction to go any other way?So how I express unconditional love for self is to discipline myself to notice what I send out and receive energetically.In this way, I am responsble for the thougths and feelings that I entertain .Otherwise, to be drifting thru ife as I once did, basically at the mercy of every projection others sent my way , at the mercy of my own projections toward self and others., I was ismply spinning the same stories to live thru over an d over. Experience,.... judgement of it cause more experience ... then more judgement .The most loving thing for me to do for self is to stop the fast descent into negativity .Learning to co-create my reality ,to raise a feeling from its lowest form to higher resonances is to experience a purposeful joyous life. It is a conscious generous act that expands exponentially ..

Reply by Ron Alexander on April 7, 2009 at 3:17pm

To accept and love the "unlovable' parts of me! To transform the inner tormentor to an inner comforter. To accept the help and healing of others! To have absolute belief (or to act "as if) in a higher Power and Its helpers - angels on earth and angels in Spirit! And to ask ALL for the help I need at the time. To live in the Now - to meditate with the breath and with mantras and do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where this is no thought! - only unconditional radiant bliss! No mistake, Ron

Reply by Linda Lawson on April 9, 2009 at 11:23pm
Dear Ron.Your words are spot on from where I sit.It is the unlovable parts of self that we continually focus on in others ,isn't it? I am very thankful these "others" exist . That's how I know what I must embrace wholeheartedly in self." To live in the Now do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where there is no thought !-only radiant bliss."You have said a mouthful that evokes pages of response on the different "how tos" that have crossed my path.There have been and continues to be many ways that the environment in which I live reflects back to me this message of truth to me.Each one carrying me a bit further along to living in the Now..I find witnessing for where I am holding judgement on any part of my experience is a full time practice. Why do I care about judgement? That is the mechanism for freezing up our feelings that we seem to have chosen on the planet ,its very popular,as a group ,to stay asleep.,to be free of responsiblity.Upon waking fully, we understand we are totally at cause for what we experience and how we experience what life brings our way. I have heard this message many times in the last five years. I could accept it intellectually.Now I actually know it and I see my reality change with each unlovable bit of self that I reclaim.Each time we choose to love unconditionally, we expand the energetic resonance of our heart and we get more clarity , more radiance.It is more resourceful to view judgement in a self reflective state. Bashing for choices made, holding on to choices made , dirties the vision again.We judge what is in our minds unlovable. Well, that runs the gamut of who is looking at what,doesn't it? It's all a matter of perspective. The cessation of judgement begins when i/we are able to feel unconditionl love for whatever it is we have judged.l no longer want time off to drift out of my body, day dream ...,find someone else's dream better or worse than me,. escape the present reality.Now I desire Awareness. I desire to live, breathe, feel what I feel and let it go. This moment is my opportuntity to be fully present. to be burning the emotional residue that I have hidden away or refuse to feel , that clouds my vision.So breathing thru it , breathing thru it , breathing thru it, letting it be as it is , loving it ,loving our choices.always rechoosing to hold the highest potential for the "new "...each time we do this we expand the possibilties to be in Awareness.thanks , Ron,for the message

Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan

I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.

I express love for myself by treating my body the best I know how exercise, eat right, stay in the now emotionally . seek group spiritual connections and sing often.. Know that love is the One in us .. love ya Ginny

Life does bring us countless opportunities to find the best in ourselves; God bless your sweet heart for hanging in and accepting the challenge. Keep on nurturing that surely developing pearl in the core of your being ; write, speak, love, give and give and give and give and as you explore the depths of your unique beingness and discover the true beauty such pain can bring, this apparent loss will be as a mere grain of sand without which the magnificent pearl in all its beauty could never manifest. You are the love, honey. I'm blessed and honored to be your friend. Lovingly, Hanna

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