Friday, April 24, 2009

Honey my Soul Dog

At 11:51am on April 24, 2009, Brian Narelle said…
Yesterday I met a woman in the part nearby (with her old dog) and I wound up telling her all about Honey, including how she assisted you in group. (She sat in the middle of the group of life-threatened young adults at the Center for Attitudinal Healing, and at about half-way through, she would sit not at the feet but on the feet of the youth who was in most emotional pain) I also told her about the funeral ceremony where those two big sled dogs took turns standing up in the middle of us and licking us all as we stood on Honey's grave. (I buried her on top of a sacred Ring Mountain overlooking the San Francisco Bay, where we had full moon drumming/chanting/dancing for years). Special dog. Special memories.
Thanks so much about that memory - I forgot about that grave ceremony:Blessings are abounding:
From Unity Christ Church:We join together in prayer and send our blessings for all of the families affected by the wildfires and all of the people involved - firefighters, food service, shelters. We vision peace and well being for all, including the animals, birds, trees and land. Peace, Peace, Peace.If you know of someone from our Unity congregation who has been affected by the fires and needs shelter or support, please contact Rev. Margaret
Thank you, Rev. Margaret, you are such a loving one! Ron has also been a great blessing to me.
I was just sent this: " I love myself the way I am there is nothing I need change. and I love you the way you are .this keeps running through my light filled day.... the more I love the more I am love , . Blessings Ginny
Previously, I had been reminded of the "Be a love finder not a love finder" from the Center for Attitudinal Healing by Violetta, and I have added both of these to my "praying without ceasing/mindfulness/meditation." a cosmos of Bliss, Ron

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