Thursday, April 23, 2009



"A Course In Miracles (THIS POST IS ON VIOLETTE RUFFALO'S PAGE ON architects of a new - Thanks, Violette for the reminder)

My spiritual journey has been greatly based on A Course In Miracles, it is my comfort zone and it keeps calling me back. Since I am eternal effort to evolve need not be hurried, I have eternity to get it right. There are those who would prefer not to come back here, however, planet Earth is a magnificent location to continue our journey. As an interfaith minister I volunteer as chaplain for Hospice in a local hospital. At my age I think a lot about death - not with trepidation but with joyful anticipation. It is important to learn how to die before we can learn how to live. Soon I hope to return to following my bliss, facilitating study groups in weekly sessions on the principles of Attitudinal Healing. That pretty well sums it up.

12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing - by Gerald Jampolsky, MD - based on A Course In Miracles

1. The essence of our being is love.
2. Health is inner peace.
3. Healing is letting go of fear.
4. Giving and receiving are the same.
5. We can let go of the past and of the future.
6. Now is the only time there is and each instant is forgiving.
7. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
8. We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
9. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
10.We are students and teachers of each other.
11. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
12. Since love is eternal death need not be viewed as fearful.
12a.We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending love or giving a call for help.
Added from another of Violette's post on the group gratitude of the same website,
Gratitude has become a way of life, although it has taken a lifetime to reach this level. Partly I can be grateful for the 12 princlples of Attitudinal Healing to have contributed to this. The principle, "We can become love finders rather than fault finders" has been profoundly influential in how I regard that which is around me.Ceaseless praying has become so habitual that it is a form of self talk as I am perpetually aware of the blessings that surround us. Sometimes it is outloud, someone might cart me off to a padded cell. LOL

Hi Violette, I was born in Paradise Point, N. C. coast and am proud of the name & natural beauty of the place anyway. Also, I was fortunate to work at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in the mid-eighties, as I was going to grad school in San Francisco. So thanks for adding the 12 steps - they are a good reminder. Jerry and Diane invited me on here - and Carlos was a neighbor in San Rafael as was several other famous performers. However, Carlos was the only one completely humble and always friendly.The work I did with life-threatened young adults was the best work I ever did - they were all "angels on earth". They lived in the moment better than any people I have ever known, and they loved the groups and any field trips I got them on - like going to Yosemite, sailing on the Bay, etc. I am thinking about going back and research their family and friends and see if they became Spirit guides to them and if positive write a book about them. a cosmos of blessings, Ron

So pleased we are now joined in friendship. Clyde is 20 some miles west of Asheville and just east of Waynesville. It is being said that Asheville and surrounding area is the new mecca of spiritual energy. That people are being drawn from all over to Ashville and nearby areas without knowing why.I know I had been drawn to this area since the 80's and finally was able to escape the darker energy of Miami to move in ''91. Have made multiple moves away yet am always drawn back here. As you know these mountains are the most ancient on the planet and my personal experience is that they embrace with a wisdom and nurturing that I have not experienced anywhere else.Attitudinal Healing is a way of life that pulls me back whenever I begin to feel righteous or judgmental. I am so grateful that I became associated with it since back in the late 80's. It would be difficult for me to negotiate life without ACIM and AH.I do hope you continue with your pursuit of the people you worked with and that it will result in a book. Fondest, warm wishes sweet spirit, Violette

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