Thursday, March 12, 2009

Impress Your Number One Critic

March 12, 2009
The Sun, ruler of the human ego, lines up with the planet Uranus, ruler of sudden surprises. It is one thing to impress a friend or lover. It is another thing to impress yourself. Can you imagine impressing your number one critic this afternoon?

Yes, I am my number one critic. How can I impress myself today or better yet how can I love myself unconditionally everyday? How can I still the voice of the inner critic?

Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan

First, I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.

Today and everyday it is my desire that what Life has given me so abundantly shall be shared with others. I desire to share this realization of the indwelling Presence with everyone. In this consciousness I say bless you my friend. I desire for you to free your imprisoned Splendor - peace, love and joy. I desire for you the benediction of the Kingdom of God here upon earth.
(Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)

And for you to accept my willingness to serve, I am so deeply blessed and grateful!

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