Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blue Knighted Healing - Archangel Michael at Work!

Dear Ron,

I was impressed to hold you in prayer early this morning - around 5 AM.

I see you surrounded by the Light of God, held in the embrace of love, peace, and an understanding heart.

I see you forgiving and forgiven, whole and free, wise and centered.

GREAT Love and Blessings,


Thank you, dear Rev. Margaret One, you are such a wise supportive friend. I have had wonderful healing epiphanies at church. At Olivia's sound healing last Wed., Ramona saw me being knighted by Archangel Michael during my time up on chair.
Several people have seen me with turquoise, blue or purple light around me, which confirms St. Michael's energy. This Sunday I found myself in a healing fire around me while listening to the cymbals (please tell Rev. David that his words were just as important as the gongs during the service - a wonderful healing balance.) Please ask David of his version of Michael' s functions and characteristics, as I know he has studied angels deeply. At the Oneness meditation, Beth saw me with turquoise light around me.
lots of appreciation, Ron

Archangel Michael's Characteristics and Functions:

1. Commitment & dedication to One's beliefs
2. Courage (bravery - from French word for heart)
3. Direction
4. Energy & vitality
5. Life's purpose (all aspects)
6. Motivation
7. Protection
8. Space Clearing
9. Spirit releasement
10. Worthiness and increased self-esteem.

Archangel Micheal's name means "he who is like God." He is a leader among archangels. He increases the lightworker's life's purpose. Michael's main function is to rid the earth of toxins associated with ffear. He carries a sword which he uses to cut the snares of fear. When he is around, you may see sparkles/flashes of bright blue or purple light. His presence may make you sweat.
He guides and directs those who feel lost or stuck with life's purpose or career path. He also guides us on next step to take.

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